Posted on 2012-01-18 18:00
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sql 总结
PL/SQL Developer是一个集成开发环境,专门面向Oracle数据库存储程序单元的开发。如今,有越来越多的商业逻辑和应用逻辑转向了Oracle Server,因此,PL/SQL编程也成了整个开发过程的一个重要组成部分。PL/SQL Developer侧重于易用性、代码品质和生产力,充分发挥Oracle应用程序开发过程中的主要优势。PL/SQL(Procedural Language/SQL)是一种过程化语言,属于第三代语言,它与C、C++、Java等语言一样关注于处理细节,可以用来实现比较复杂的业务逻辑。它允许SQL的数据操纵语言和查询语句包含在块结构(block_structured)和代码过程语言中,使PL/SQL成为一个功能强大的事务处理语言。在甲骨文数据库管理方面,PL/SQL是对结构化查询语言(SQL)的过程语言扩展。PL/SQL的目的是联合数据库语言和过程语言。PL/SQL的基本单位叫做一个区段,由三个部份组成:一个申明部份,一个可运行部份,和排除-构建部分。 因为PL/SQL允许混合SQL申明和过程结构,因此可以在将申明发送到甲骨文系统去执行之前使用PL/SQL区段和副程序来组合SQL申明,没有PL/SQL,甲骨文需要就每次处理SQL申明,在网络环境中,这将影响交通流量,而且增加响应时间。PL/SQL区段只被编译一次并且以可运行的形式储存,以降低响应时间。
Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.4
* SQL Window would always print SQL text, disregarding "Print SQL"
* Searching within special text (strings, comments) could be slow
* Key Configuration preference could reset to default instead of
using the defined keys when using multiple preference sets
* Export to Excel would interpret data beginning with = as formula
* Column names starting with a digit were not implicitly quoted in
SQL statements
* Fixed issue with search in selection where incorrect characters
could be replaced
* Duplicate items removed from description window
* View/Edit Data for tables with an owner with special characters
would not add quotes to the owner
* UTFE characters were displayed incorrectly when Unicode support
was enabled
* Loading the Macro Library could fail on Windows 7/Vista,
resulting in a "list index out of bounds" error message
* Debugger could hang after an exception on oracle11g
* Code Assistant can now complete database link names
* Copy all to Excel in the SQL Window would not have correct
formatting on the second sheet
* To-Do Item List was not up-to-date when opening a package spec &
product code:kfqtle46lqzbbvlzuvsrutst66yn6m7kl8s2trrtsapr
serial number:1775341736