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java.sql.BatchUpdateException: IO Error: Connection reset

during analysis of "IO Error: Connection reset", many articles mentioned that it could be caused by java security code (accessing /dev/random) used in JDBC connection. However it is not the root cause in my case. In my environment, Java already use /dev/urandom. 1. $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom 2. check with strace. only -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/../dev/urandom will trigger system call (read on /dev/urandom) all other other path format like below are OK. -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom 3. Keep checking the retropy size, I have never seen it is exhaused. while [ 1 ]; do cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail sleep 1 done usually the avail is in the range from 1000 to 3000. so far, there is no clue about the root cause of "IO Error: Connection reset".

posted @ 2017-02-20 09:28 InPractice 阅读(1298) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Lessons learned - Oracle GI and Database Installation on SUSE 12

I encountered many issue during installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure(GI) and Database; with the help of ariticle and documents found through Google search engine, I finally made it. for records, here is the details issues encountered and solutions applied. Major issues were encountered during GI installation. Pre-installation tasks. Issue 1: swapspace is not big enough; (1.3.1 Verify System Requirements) grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo 264G grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo 2G during OS installation, I take default option and swap space is only 2G. Oracle recommend to have more than 16G swap space in case of more that 32G RAM. dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swapfile bs=1024 count=33554432 33554432+0 records in 33554432+0 records out 34359738368 bytes (34 GB) copied mkswap /home/swapfile mkswap /home/swapfile chmod 0600 /home/swapfile lessons learned: setup swap space properly according to DB requirement when installing OS. Issue 2: cannot find oracleasm-kmp-default from Oracle site. (1.3.6 Prepare Storage for Oracle Automatic Storage Management) install oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support is easy, just download them from Oracle and install them; Originally oracleasm kernel is provided by Oracle, but now I cannot find it from Oracle; finally I realized that oracleasm kernel is now provided by OS vendor; In my case, it should be installed from SUSE disk; a. to get its name oracleasm-kmp-default zypper se oracle b. map dvd and install zypper in oracleasm-kmp-default rpm -qa|grep oracleasm oracleasm-kmp-default-2.0.8_k3.12.49_11-3.20.x86_64 oracleasm-support-2.1.8-1.SLE12.x86_64 oracleasmlib-2.0.12-1.SLE12.x86_64 asm configure -i asm createdisk DATA /dev/<...> asm listdisks --DATA ls /dev/oracleasm/disks Installation tasks: Issue 3: always failed due to user equivalence check after starting installer OUI with user oracle. however if I manully check with runcluvfy, no issue found at all. ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n , -verbose I worked around it by using another user to replace user oracle. but it triggered next issue. Issue 4: cannot see ASM disks in OUI. no matter how I change the disk dicovery path. the disk list is empty. but I can find disk manully. /usr/sbin/oracleasm-discover 'ORCL:*' Discovered disk: ORCL:DATA Root cause is that the ASM is configured and created with user oracle. and I aming installing GI with different user other than oracle; so I cannot see the Disk created. change owner of disk device file solved the issue. ls /dev/oracleasm/disks chown /dev/oracleasm/disks -R Issue 5: root.sh execution failed. Failed to create keys in the OLR, rc = 127, Message: clscfg.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libcap.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory fixed the issue with command below: zypper in libcap1 ohasd failed to start Failed to start the Clusterware. Last 20 lines of the alert log follow: 2016-07-24 23:10:28.502: [client(1119)]CRS-2101:The OLR was formatted using version 3. I found a good document from SUSE, Oracle RAC on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 - x86_64, it make it clear that SUSE 12 is supported by Oracle GI, it also mentioned Patch 18370031. "During the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation, you must apply patch 18370031 before configuring the software that is installed. " The patch 18370031 is actually mentioned in "Oracle quick installation guide on Linux", but not mentioned in "Oracle quick installation guide on Linux". I majored followed up with later one and missed Patch 18370031. issue disappeared after I installed the patch 18370031. ./OPatch/opatch napply -oh -local /18370031 Errors in file : ORA-27091: unable to queue I/O ORA-15081: failed to submit an I/O operation to a disk ORA-06512: at line 4 solved by change owner of disk DATA related file ls -l /dev/oracleasm/iid chown on folder /dev/oracleasm/iid and some .* hidden file. Issue during DB installation Issue 6: report error: in invoking target 'agent nmhs' vi $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/lib/ins_emagent.mk Search for the line $(MK_EMAGENT_NMECTL) Change it to: $(MK_EMAGENT_NMECTL) -lnnz11 refer to https://community.oracle.com/thread/1093616?tstart=0

posted @ 2016-07-28 16:55 InPractice 阅读(253) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏







posted @ 2011-04-11 18:19 InPractice 阅读(633) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏






posted @ 2011-02-11 11:02 InPractice 阅读(242) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏







posted @ 2010-08-16 13:49 InPractice 阅读(317) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Meta Information

Just use this blog to share some meta information.


posted @ 2010-06-05 06:44 InPractice 阅读(184) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Notes on Gentoo Installation

After two weeks' struggle, I have successfully installed Gentoo, a popular GNU/Linux Distribution. For Records, the obstacles I encountered are listed below. (but I can not remember the solution exactly)

0. failed to emerge gpm when I install the links package. If I recall correctly, it is resolved by install gpm manually

1. I encounter issue when I install glib 2.22.5. no update-desktop-database. which is in dev-util/desktop-file-utils. When I try to emerge it, there is a circular dependency on glib. no solution and I forget How I resolve the problem.

2. later after I install glib, with ~amd64 keyword I can install gpm-1.20.6, but it conflicts with the manually inatalled gpm. I remove the conflicted file and emerge successfully.

3. Failed to emerge tiff. edit packages.keywords to add the following. / ~amd64 I am able to use latest tiff in beta-version, which is unstable and masked out.

4. later atk-1.28.0 failed to emerge. edit /etc/make.conf with the following. FEATURES="-stricter". then emerge successfully with only some complain. with out this seting. the warining from GCC will cause that emerge fail.

5. when I run emerge --update system actually gcc will be upgraded from 4.3.4 to 4.4.3. but it failed because of compilation warning, again. add "-stricter" into Features variable in /etc/make.conf work around it.

6. The installation takes a long time, the KDE itself take more than 10 hours. There is still a lot of improvement space! Anyway, it is nice to be able to use it daily.

posted @ 2010-06-03 16:33 InPractice 阅读(335) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



在C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Application Data\Subversion\servers文件中加入

http-proxy-host = ***.**.com
http-proxy-port = 8080



posted @ 2010-04-21 17:00 InPractice 阅读(759) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



call ttGridCreate('$TT_GRID');
call ttGridCreate(' $TT_GRID');

posted @ 2010-04-13 16:13 InPractice 阅读(238) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



1. 直接访问对象的属性。
2. 用方法访问对象的属性。
3. 用Map来存储和访问。
4. 反射-Field 访问。
5. 反射-Method访问。

 * 100 field access, 14,806<br/>
 * 100 method access, 20,393<br/>
 * 100 map access, 66,489<br/>
 * 100 reflection field access, 620,190<br/>
 * 100 reflection method access, 1,832,356<br/>
 *100000 field access, 2,938,362
 *100000 method access, 3,039,772
 *100000 map access, 10,784,052
 *100000 reflection field access, 144,489,034
 *100000 reflection method access, 37,525,719 <br/>
1。getter/setter 的性能已经接近直接属性访问(大约慢50%),没有必要担心getter/setter的性能而采用直接属性访问。


posted @ 2010-04-09 15:57 InPractice 阅读(333) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏