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The analysis of MOR(MXOR) instruction implementation in MMIXWare

The analysis of MOR(MXOR) instruction implementation in MMIXWare
 -- A stupid way to understand the source code.
 the implementation of MOR(MXOR) is in file: mmix-arith.w
 436 octa bool_mult(y,z,xor)
 437   octa y,z; /* the operands */
 438   bool xor; /* do we do xor instead of or? */
 439 {
 440   octa o,x;
 441   register tetra a,b,c;
 442   register int k;
 443   for (k=0,o=y,x=zero_octa;o.h||o.l;k++,o=shift_right(o,8,1))
 444     if (o.l&0xff) {
 445       a=((z.h>>k)&0x01010101)*0xff;
 446       b=((z.l>>k)&0x01010101)*0xff;
 447       c=(o.l&0xff)*0x01010101;
 448       if (xor) x.h^=a&c, x.l^=b&c;
 449       else x.h|=a&c, x.l|=b&c;
 450     }
 451   return x;
 452 }
 It takes me several hours to understand the details.
 If we treat each octabyte as a matrix, each row corresponds to a byte, then
 y MOR z = z (matrix_mulitiply) y
 For a=((z.h>>k)&0x01010101)*0xff;
 (z.h>>k)&0x01010101 will get the four last bit in (z.h>>k). depends on the bit in last row,
 ((z.h>>k)&0x01010101)*0xff will expand the bit (either 0 or 1) into the whole row.
 *     0x01010101   
 =           ff
 =    ffffffff      
(depending on the last bit in each row of z, the result could be #ff00ff00. #ff0000ff, etc.)

similarily, b=((z.l>>k)&0x01010101)*0xff; will expand the last bit in each byte into the
whole byte.

over all, after these two step, the z becomes the replication of it's last row, since k vary
from 0 to 7, it will loop on all the rows actually.

 For c=(o.l&0xff)*0x01010101, it will get the last byte in o.l and populate it to other three byte.
 since it will not only or/xor h but also l. it is not necessary populate it to o.h.
 one example,
 let (z.h>>k)&0x01010101 = 0x01000101, then a= 0xff00ffff;
 let (z.l>>k)&0x01010101 = 0x01010001, then b= 0xffff00ff;
 let (o.l&0xff)=0xuv, then c= 0xuvuvuvuv;
  then a&c=0xuv00uvuv;
 consider the elements [i,j] in result x.  in this round, what value was accumalated in by operation
 it is the jth bit in last byte of o.l & ith bit in last column of z.(do not consider looping now.)
 in this round, the 64 combination of i and j, contirbute the value to the 64 bits in z.
 Noticed that o loop on y from last byte to first byte. There are 8 loop/rounds, in another round.
 say kth round.
 the elements[i,j] will accumuate the jth bit in last (k + 1)th row & the jth bit in last (k+1)th
 that means the jth column in y multiply the ith row in z. it conform to the definiton for
 z matrix_multiply y.

posted on 2009-01-16 10:54 InPractice 阅读(273) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

