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Learning Notes of TCP/IP Illustated Volume 2

How to read the source code in <<TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 2>>

1. Get the source code, original link provided in the book is not available now.
You may need to google it.

2. install cscope and vi.

3. refer to http://cscope.sourceforge.net/large_projects.html for the following steps.

It will include all the source code of the whole OS, not only the kernel.
find src -name '*.[ch]' > cscope.files

we actually only care kernel source.
find src/sys -name '*.[ch]' > cscope.files

4.  wc cscope.files
 1613  1613 45585 cscope.files

5. vim
:help cscope
then you can read the help details.

6. if you run vim in the folder where cscope.out resides. then it will be loaded

7. Try a few commands.
:cs find g mbuf
:cs find f vm.h

They works. A good start.

P.S. this book is quite old, if you know it well and can recommend some better alternative for learning TCP/IP, please post a comments, Thanks in advance.

posted on 2010-03-29 13:30 InPractice 阅读(133) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

