

2006年8月9日 #



package app;

import app.UserInfo;
import java.util.*;
import org.hibernate.*;
import org.hibernate.cfg.*;

public class Test

  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args)
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
  Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
  //List list = session.createQuery("from UserInfo where username = 'ken'").list();
  Iterator iterator = session.createSQLQuery("select * from TESTUSERINFO").list().iterator();
  for(;iterator.hasNext(); )
   Object[] obj=(Object[])iterator.next();
   for(int i=0;i<obj.length;i++)
  UserInfo user = new UserInfo();
  for (ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
   user = (UserInfo)iterator.next();
      System.out.println("name: " + user.getUsername());

        Transaction tx= session.beginTransaction();
  catch(PropertyNotFoundException err)
  catch(Exception err)

posted @ 2006-09-29 14:47 KanIT 阅读(1478) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏








posted @ 2006-08-14 15:03 KanIT 阅读(784) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


为WEBLOGIC管理应用的机制.用WEBLOGIC自带的Configuration Wizard工具生成,根据功能不同能创建不同的工作域.
package com.ejb;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;

 * XDoclet-based session bean.  The class must be declared
 * public according to the EJB specification.
 * To generate the EJB related files to this EJB:
 *  - Add Standard EJB module to XDoclet project properties
 *  - Customize XDoclet configuration for your appserver
 *  - Run XDoclet
 * Below are the xdoclet-related tags needed for this EJB.
 * @ejb.bean name="HelloWorld"
 *           display-name="Name for HelloWorld"
 *           description="Description for HelloWorld"
 *           jndi-name="ejb/HelloWorld"
 *           type="Stateless"
 *           view-type="remote"
public class HelloWorld implements SessionBean {

 /** The session context */
 private SessionContext context;
 private String message = "helloworld!";
 public HelloWorld() {
  // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

 public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub


 public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub


 public void ejbRemove() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub


  * Set the associated session context. The container calls this method
  * after the instance creation.
  * The enterprise bean instance should store the reference to the context
  * object in an instance variable.
  * This method is called with no transaction context.
  * @throws EJBException Thrown if method fails due to system-level error.
 public void setSessionContext(SessionContext newContext)
  throws EJBException {
  context = newContext;

* 自己新创建的业务方法
 public String getMessage()throws EJBException
  return this.message;
  //return new String("helloworld!");
 * Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit!
package com.ejb;

 * Session layer for HelloWorld.
 * @xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY}
 * @copyright The XDoclet Team
 * @author XDoclet
 * @version ${version}
public class HelloWorldSession
   extends com.ejb.HelloWorld
   implements javax.ejb.SessionBean
   public void ejbActivate() throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException


   public void ejbPassivate() throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException

   public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext ctx) throws javax.ejb.EJBException

   public void unsetSessionContext()

   public void ejbRemove() throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException

   public void ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateException

 * Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit!
package com.interfaces;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import java.rmi.*;

 * Remote interface for HelloWorld.
 * @xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY}
 * @copyright The XDoclet Team
 * @author XDoclet
 * @version ${version}
public interface HelloWorld
   extends javax.ejb.EJBObject
    * An example business method
    * @throws EJBException Thrown if method fails due to system-level error.    */
   /*public void replaceWithRealBusinessMethod(  )
      throws java.rmi.RemoteException;*/
   public String getMessage()throws EJBException,RemoteException;
 * Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit!
package com.interfaces;

 * Home interface for HelloWorld.
 * @xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY}
 * @copyright The XDoclet Team
 * @author XDoclet
 * @version ${version}
public interface HelloWorldHome
   extends javax.ejb.EJBHome
   public static final String COMP_NAME="java:comp/env/ejb/HelloWorld";
   public static final String JNDI_NAME="ejb/HelloWorld";

   public com.interfaces.HelloWorld create()
      throws javax.ejb.CreateException,java.rmi.RemoteException;

 * Generated file - Do not edit!
package com.interfaces;

 * Utility class for HelloWorld.
 * @xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY}
 * @copyright The XDoclet Team
 * @author XDoclet
 * @version ${version}
public class HelloWorldUtil
   /** Cached remote home (EJBHome). Uses lazy loading to obtain its value (loaded by getHome() methods). */
   private static com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome cachedRemoteHome = null;

   private static Object lookupHome(java.util.Hashtable environment, String jndiName, Class narrowTo) throws javax.naming.NamingException {
      // Obtain initial context
      javax.naming.InitialContext initialContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext(environment);
      try {
         Object objRef = initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
         // only narrow if necessary
         if (java.rmi.Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(narrowTo))
            return javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objRef, narrowTo);
            return objRef;
      } finally {

   // Home interface lookup methods

    * Obtain remote home interface from default initial context
    * @return Home interface for HelloWorld. Lookup using COMP_NAME
   public static com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome getHome() throws javax.naming.NamingException
      if (cachedRemoteHome == null) {
            cachedRemoteHome = (com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome) lookupHome(null, com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome.COMP_NAME, com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome.class);
      return cachedRemoteHome;

    * Obtain remote home interface from parameterised initial context
    * @param environment Parameters to use for creating initial context
    * @return Home interface for HelloWorld. Lookup using COMP_NAME
   public static com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome getHome( java.util.Hashtable environment ) throws javax.naming.NamingException
       return (com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome) lookupHome(environment, com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome.COMP_NAME, com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome.class);

   /** Cached per JVM server IP. */
   private static String hexServerIP = null;

   // initialise the secure random instance
   private static final java.security.SecureRandom seeder = new java.security.SecureRandom();

    * A 32 byte GUID generator (Globally Unique ID). These artificial keys SHOULD <strong>NOT </strong> be seen by the user,
    * not even touched by the DBA but with very rare exceptions, just manipulated by the database and the programs.
    * Usage: Add an id field (type java.lang.String) to your EJB, and add setId(XXXUtil.generateGUID(this)); to the ejbCreate method.
   public static final String generateGUID(Object o) {
       StringBuffer tmpBuffer = new StringBuffer(16);
       if (hexServerIP == null) {
           java.net.InetAddress localInetAddress = null;
           try {
               // get the inet address

               localInetAddress = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost();
           catch (java.net.UnknownHostException uhe) {
               System.err.println("HelloWorldUtil: Could not get the local IP address using InetAddress.getLocalHost()!");
               // todo: find better way to get around this...
               return null;
           byte serverIP[] = localInetAddress.getAddress();
           hexServerIP = hexFormat(getInt(serverIP), 8);

       String hashcode = hexFormat(System.identityHashCode(o), 8);

       long timeNow      = System.currentTimeMillis();
       int timeLow       = (int)timeNow & 0xFFFFFFFF;
       int node          = seeder.nextInt();

       StringBuffer guid = new StringBuffer(32);
       guid.append(hexFormat(timeLow, 8));
       guid.append(hexFormat(node, 8));
       return guid.toString();

   private static int getInt(byte bytes[]) {
       int i = 0;
       int j = 24;
       for (int k = 0; j >= 0; k++) {
           int l = bytes[k] & 0xff;
           i += l << j;
           j -= 8;
       return i;

   private static String hexFormat(int i, int j) {
       String s = Integer.toHexString(i);
       return padHex(s, j) + s;

   private static String padHex(String s, int i) {
       StringBuffer tmpBuffer = new StringBuffer();
       if (s.length() < i) {
           for (int j = 0; j < i - s.length(); j++) {
       return tmpBuffer.toString();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">

<ejb-jar >

   <description><![CDATA[No Description.]]></description>
   <display-name>Generated by XDoclet</display-name>


      <!-- Session Beans -->
      <session >
         <description><![CDATA[Description for HelloWorld]]></description>
         <display-name>Name for HelloWorld</display-name>




       To add session beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
       a file to your XDoclet merge directory called session-beans.xml that contains
       the <session></session> markup for those beans.

      <!-- Entity Beans -->
       To add entity beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
       a file to your XDoclet merge directory called entity-beans.xml that contains
       the <entity></entity> markup for those beans.

      <!-- Message Driven Beans -->
       To add message driven beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
       a file to your XDoclet merge directory called message-driven-beans.xml that contains
       the <message-driven></message-driven> markup for those beans.


   <!-- Relationships -->

   <!-- Assembly Descriptor -->
       To specify your own assembly descriptor info here, add a file to your
       XDoclet merge directory called assembly-descriptor.xml that contains
       the <assembly-descriptor></assembly-descriptor> markup.

   <assembly-descriptor >
       To specify additional security-role elements, add a file in the merge
       directory called ejb-security-roles.xml that contains them.

   <!-- method permissions -->
       To specify additional method-permission elements, add a file in the merge
       directory called ejb-method-permissions.ent that contains them.

   <!-- transactions -->
       To specify additional container-transaction elements, add a file in the merge
       directory called ejb-container-transactions.ent that contains them.

   <!-- finder transactions -->

   <!-- message destinations -->
       To specify additional message-destination elements, add a file in the merge
       directory called ejb-message-destinations.ent that contains them.

   <!-- exclude list -->
       To specify an exclude-list element, add a file in the merge directory
       called ejb-exclude-list.xml that contains it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN" "http://www.bea.com/servers/wls600/dtd/weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd">

 <description><![CDATA[Generated by XDoclet]]></description>

To add enterprise beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
a file to your XDoclet merge directory called weblogic-enterprise-beans.xml that contains
the <weblogic-enterprise-bean></weblogic-enterprise-bean> markup for those beans.

 To add a security-role-assignment section, add
 a file to your XDoclet merge directory called weblogic-security-role-assignment.xml that contains
 the <security-role-assignment></security-role-assignment> markup.

 To add a run-as-role-assignment section, add
 a file to your XDoclet merge directory called weblogic-run-as-role-assignment.xml that contains
 the <run-as-role-assignment></run-as-role-assignment> markup.
package com;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import com.interfaces.HelloWorld;
import com.interfaces.HelloWorldHome;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

public class EJBTest {

      * @param args
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         // TODO 自动生成方法存根
         Properties properties=new Properties();
         Context context;
         try {
             context = new InitialContext(properties);
             HelloWorldHome hwh=(HelloWorldHome)context.lookup("ejb/HelloWorld");
             HelloWorld hw=hwh.create();
             String s=hw.getMessage();
         } catch (NamingException e) {
             // TODO 自动生成 catch 块
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             // TODO 自动生成 catch 块
         } catch (CreateException e) {
             // TODO 自动生成 catch 块
      /*Properties properties=new Properties();
      Context context = new InitialContext(properties);
      Object obj = context.lookup("ejb/HelloWorld");
      HelloWorldHome home = (HelloWorldHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,HelloWorldHome.class );
      HelloWorld hello = home.create();


1.         MyEclipse >Add and Remove Project Deployments

2.         点击 add ,添加部署服务器 weblogic


posted @ 2006-08-09 11:18 KanIT 阅读(1484) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏