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Break ON
    The BREAK command suppresses duplicate values by default in the column or expression you name. Thus, to suppress the duplicate values in a column specified in an ORDER BY clause, use the BREAK command in its simplest form: 
    BREAK ON break_column
    Note: Whenever you specify a column or expression in a BREAK command, use an ORDER BY clause specifying the same column or
expression. If you do not do this, breaks occur every time the column value changes.

SQL> break on deptno
SQL> select deptno,empno,sal from emp
  2  where sal>1500
  3  order by deptno;
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
                 7839       5000
        20       7566       2975
                 7788       3000
                 7902       3000
        30       7499       1600
                 7698       2850
7 rows selected.
Break ON ... Skip
    You can insert blank lines or begin a new page each time the value changes in the break column. To insert n blank lines, use the BREAK command in the following form:
    BREAK ON break_column SKIP n
SQL> break on deptno skip 1
SQL> /
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
                 7839       5000
        20       7566       2975
                 7788       3000
                 7902       3000
        30       7499       1600
                 7698       2850

7 rows selected.
Skip Every Row
    You may wish to insert blank lines or a blank page after every row. To skip n lines after every row, use BREAK in the following form:
    To skip a page after every row, use
SQL> break on row skip 1
SQL> /
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
        10       7839       5000
        20       7566       2975
        20       7788       3000
        20       7902       3000
        30       7499       1600
        30       7698       2850

7 rows selected.
SQL> break on row skip page
SQL> /
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7839       5000
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        20       7566       2975
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        20       7788       3000
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        20       7902       3000
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        30       7499       1600
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        30       7698       2850
7 rows selected.
Other Example
    To show that SKIP PAGE has taken effect, create a TTITLE with a page number:
SQL> ttitle col 35 format 9 'Page:' SQL.PNO
SQL> /
                                  Page: 1
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
                 7839       5000

                                  Page: 2
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        20       7566       2975
                 7788       3000
                 7902       3000

                                  Page: 3
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        30       7499       1600
                 7698       2850

7 rows selected.
Listing and Removing Break

    You can list your current break definition by entering the BREAK command with no clauses:
    You can remove the current break definition by entering the CLEAR command withthe BREAKS clause:
    You may wish to place the command CLEAR BREAKS at the beginning of every scriptto ensure that previously entered BREAK commands will not affect queries you run ina given file.
Break and Compute
    If you organize the rows of a report into subsets with the BREAK command, you can perform various computations on the rows in each subset. You do this with the functions of the SQL*Plus COMPUTE command. Use the BREAK and COMPUTE commands together in the following forms:
    BREAK ON break_column
    COMPUTE function LABEL label_name OF column column column
    ... ON break_column
SQL> compute sum of sal on deptno
SQL> /
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        10       7782       2450
                 7839       5000
********** ********** ----------
sum                         7450
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        20       7566       2975
                 7788       3000
                 7902       3000
********** ********** ----------
sum                         8975
    DEPTNO      EMPNO        SAL
---------- ---------- ----------
        30       7499       1600
                 7698       2850
********** ********** ----------
sum                         4450
7 rows selected.

-The End-

posted on 2009-04-03 23:05 decode360-3 阅读(650) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: SQL Dev

