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The Strategy Pattern


This chapter introduces a new case study, which comes from the area of e-commerce (electronic commerce over the Internet). It also begins a solution using the Strategy pattern. I return to this case study in Chapter 16, “The Analysis Matrix”.

This chapter

  • Return to the problem of new requirements and describes approaches to handling new variations of an existing theme.

  • Explains which approach is consistent with the Gang of Four’s philosophy and why.

  • Introduces the new case study.

  • Describes the Strategy pattern and shows how it handles a new requirement in the case study.

  • Describes the key features of the Strategy pattern.

An Approach to Handling New Requirements

Many times in life and many times in software applications, you have to make choices about the general approach to performing a task or solving a problem. Most of us have learned that taking the easiest route in the short run can lead to serious complications in the long run. For example, none of us would ignore oil changes for our car beyond a certain point. True, I may not change the oil every 3000 miles, but I also do not wait until 30000 miles before changing the oil. (If I did so, there would be no need to change the oil any more: The car would not work!) Or consider the “desktop filing system” the technique of using the top of the desk as a filing cabinet. It works well in the short run, but in the long run, as the piles grow, it becomes tough to find anything. Disaster often comes in the long run from suboptimal decisions made in the short run.

Unfortunately, when it comes to software development, many people have not learned these lessons yet. Many projects are only concerned with handling immediate, pressing needs, without concern for future maintenance. There are several reasons projects tend to ignore long-term issues such as ease of maintenance or ability to change. Common excuses include the following:

  • We really can’t figure out how the new requirements are going to change.

  • If we try to see how things will change, we’ll stay in analysis forever.

  • If we try to write our software so we can add new functionality to it, we’ll stay in design forever.

  • We don’t have the budget to do so.

  • The customer is breathing down my neck to get this implemented right now. I don’t have time to think.

  • I’ll get to it later.

There seem to be only two choices:

  • Overanalyze or overdesign I like to call this “paralysis by analysis”, or

  • Just jump in, write the code without concern for long-term issues, and then get on another project before this short-sightedness causes too many problems. I like to call this “abandon (by) ship (date)!”

Because management is under pressure to deliver and not to maintain, maybe these results are not surprising. But take a (quick!) moment to reflect. Could there be a third way? Could it be that my basic assumptions and belief system keep me from being seeing alternatives? In this case, the belief is that it is more costly to design for change than to design without worrying about change.

But this belief is often false. In fact, the opposite is often true: stepping back to consider how a system might change over time often results in a better design becoming apparent. And this often takes less time than the standard, “hurry-up-and-get-it-done-now” approach. Better quality code is easier to read, test, and modify. These factors compensate for any additional time it might take to do it right.

The following case study is a great illustration of the “design-with-change-in-mind” approach. Note that I am not trying to anticipate the exact nature of the change. Instead, I am assuming that change will happen and I am trying to anticipate where those changes will occur. This approach is based on the principle described in the Gang of Four book:

  • Program to an interface, not an implementation.”

  • Favor project [aggregation] over class inheritance.”

  • Consider what should be variable in your design. This approach is the opposite of focusing on the cause of redesign. Instead of considering what might force a change to a design, consider what you want to be able to change without redesign. The focus here is on encapsulation the concept that varies, a theme of many design patterns.”

Here is what I suggest: when faced with modifying code to handle a new requirement, you should at least consider following these strategies. If following these strategies will not cost significantly more to design and implement, then use them. You can expect a long-term benefit from doing so, with only a modest short-term cost (if any).

I am not proposing to follow these strategies blindly, however. I can test the value of an alternative design by examining how well it conforms to the good principles of object-oriented design. This is essentially the same approach I use in deriving the Bridge pattern in Chapter 10, “The Bridge Pattern”. In that chapter, I measure the quality of alternative designs by seeing which one followed object-oriented principles the best.

The International E-Commerce System Case Study: Initial Requirements

In this new case study, I consider an order-processing system for an international e-commerce company in the US. This system must be able to process sales orders in many different countries. In this chapter, I wan to consider the challenges of changing requirements and ways to address them. In Chapter 16, I continue the case study, focusing on the problem of variations.

The general architecture of this system has a controller object that handles sales requests. In identifies when a sales order is being requested and hands the request off to a SalesOrder object to process the order.

The system looks something like Figure 9-1.

The functions of SalesOrder include the following:

  • Allow for filling out the order with a GUI.

  • Handle tax calculations.

  • Process the order, and print a sales receipt.

Figure 9-1 Sales order architecture for an e-commerce system.

Some of these functions are likely to be implemented with the help of other objects. For example, SalesOrder would not necessarily print itself; instead, it serves as a holder for information about sales orders. A particular SalesOrder object could call a SalesTicket object that prints the SalesOrder.

Handling New Requirements

After writing this application, suppose I receive a new requirement to change the way I have to handle taxes. For example, now I have to be able to handle taxes on orders from customers outside the US. At a minimum, I will need to add new rules for computing these taxes.

What approaches are available? How can I handle these new rules?

Before looking at this specific situation, allow me to take a slight detour. In general, what are ways for handling different implementations of tasks that are pretty much conceptually the same (such as handling different tax rules)? The following alternatives jump quickly to my mind:

  • Copy and paste

  • Switches or ifs on a variable specifying the case we have

  • Use function pointers or delegates (a different one representing each case)

  • Inheritance (make a derived class that does it the new way)

  • Delegate the entire functionality to a new object

The old standby. I have something that works and need something close. So, just copy and paste and then make the changes. Of course, this leads to maintenance headaches because now there are two versions of the same code that I or somebody else has to maintain. I am ignoring the possibility of how to reuse objects. Certainly the company as a whole ends up with higher maintenance costs.

A reasonable approach. But one with serious problems for applications that need to grow over time. Consider the how coupling and testability are affected when one variable is used in several switches. For example, suppose I use the local variable myNation to identify the country that the customer is in. if the choices are just the United States and Canada, then using a switch probably works well. For example, I might have the following switches:

// Handle Tax switch (myNation) {

case US:

// US Tax rules here


case Canada:

// Canada Tax rules here



// Handle Currency switch (myNation) {

case US:

// US Currency rules here


case Canada:

// Canada Currency rules here



// Handle Date Format switch (myNation) {

Case US:

// use mm/dd/yy format


case Canada:

// use dd/mm/yy format



But what happens when there are more variations? For example, suppose I need to add Germany to the list of countries and also add language as a result. Now the code looks like this:

// Handle Tax switch (myNation) {

case US:

// US Tax rules here


case Canada:

// Canada Tax rules here


case Germany:

// Germany Tax rules here



// Handle Currency switch (myNation) {

case US:

// US Currency rules here


case Canada:

// Canada Currency rules here


case Germany:

// Germany Currency rules here



// Handle Date Format switch (myNation) {

Case US:

// use mm/dd/yy format


case Canada:

case Germany:

// use dd/mm/yy format



// Handle Language switch (myNation) {

case US:

case Canada:

// use English


case Germany:

//use German



This is still not too bad, but notice how the switches are not quite as nice as they used to be. There are now fall-throuths. But eventually I may need to start adding variations within a case. Suddenly, things get a bad in a hurry. For example, to add French in Quebec, my code looks like this:

// Handle Language switch (myNation0 {

case Canada:

if (inQuebec) {

// use French



case US:

// use English


case Germany:

// use Germany



The flow of the switches themselves becomes confusing. Hard to read. Hard to decipher. When a new case comes in, the programmer must find every place it can be involved (often finding all but one of them). I like to call this “switch creep”.

Function pointers in C++ and delegates in C# can be used to hide code in a nice, compact, cohesive function. However, function pointers/delegates cannot retain state on a per-object basis and therefore have limited use.

The new standby. More often than not, inheritance is used incorrectly and that gives it a bad reputation. There is nothing inherently wrong with inheritance (sorry for the pun). When used incorrectly, however, inheritance leads to brittle, rigid designs. The root cause of this misuse may lie with those who teach object-oriented principles.

When object-oriented design became mainstream, “reuse” was touted as being one of its primary advantages. To achieve “reuse”, it was taught modifications of it in the form of a derived class.

In our tax example, I could attempt to reuse the existing SalesOrder object. I could treat new tax rules like a new kind of sales order, only with a different set of taxation rules. For example, for Canadian sales, I could derive a new class called CanadianSalesOrder from SalesOrder that would override the tax rules. I show this solution in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2 Sales order architecture for an e-commerce system.

The difficulty with this approach is that it works once but not necessarily twice. For example, when we have to handle Germany or get other things that are varying (for example, data format, language, freight rules), the inheritance hierarchy we are building will not easily handle the variations we have. Repeated specialization such as this will cause either the code not to be understandable or result in redundancy. This is a consistent complaint with object-oriented designs: tall inheritance hierarchies eventually result from specialization techniques. Unfortunately, these are hard to test, and have concepts coupled together. No wonder many people say object-orientation is overrated especially since it all comes from following the common object-orientation mandate of “reuse”.

How could I approach this differently? Following the rules I stated earlier, attempt to “consider what should be variable in your design”, “encapsulate the concept that varies”, and (most importantly) “favor object-aggregation over class inheritance.”

Following this approach, I should do the following:

  1. Find what varies and encapsulate it in a class of its own.

  2. Contain this class in another class.

In this example, I have already identified that the tax rules are varying. To encapsulate them would mean creating an abstract class that defines how to accomplish taxation conceptually, and then deriving concrete classes for each of the variations. In other words, I should create a CalcTax object that defines the interface to accomplish this task. I could then derive the specific versions needed. Figure 9-3 shows this.

Figure 9-3 Encapsulating tax rules.

Continuing on, I now use aggregation instead of inheritance. This means, instead of making different versions of sales orders (using inheritance), I will contain the variation with aggregation. That is, I will have one SalesOrder class and have it contain the CalcTax class to handle the variations. Figure 9-4 shows this.

Figure 9-4 Favoring aggregation over inheritance.

Example 9-1 Java Code Fragments: Implementing the Strategy Pattern

public   class  TaskController {

public   void  process () {

//  this code is an emulation of a    processing task controller

//  …

//  figure out which country you are in

    CalcTax myTax;

=  getTaxRulesForCountry ();

    SalesOrder mySO 
=   new  SalesOrder ();

    mySO.process ( myTax );


private  CalcTax getTaxRulesForCountry () {

//  In real life, get the tax rules based on country you are in.

//  You may have the logic here or you may have it in a configuration file.

//  Here, just return a USTax so this will compile.

return   new  USTax ();



public   class  SalesOrder {

public   void  process (CalcTax taxToUse) {

long  itemNumber  =   0 ;

double  price  =   0 ;

//  give the tax object to use

//  …

//  calculate tax

double  tax  =  taxToUse.taxAmount ( itemNumber , price);



public   abstract   class  CalcTax {

abstract   public   double  taxAmount (  long  itemSold ,  double  price );


public   class  CanTex  extends  CalcTax {

public   double  taxAmount (  long  itemSold ,  double  price ) {

//  in real life, figure out tax according to the rules in Canada and return it

//  Here, return 0 so this will compile

return   0.0 ;



public   class  USTax  extends  CalcTax {

public   double  taxAmount (  long  itemSold ,  double  price ) {

//  in real life, figure out tax according to the rules in the US and return it

//  Here, return 0 so this will compile

return   0.0 ;



I have defined a fairly generic interface for the CalcTax object. Presumably, I would have a Saleable class that defines saleable items (and how they are taxed). The SalesOrder object would give that to the CalcTax object, along with the quantity and price. This would be all the information the CalcTax object would need.

Another advantage of this approach is that cohesion has improved. Sales tax is handled in its own class. Another advantage is that as I get new tax requirements, I just need to derive a new class from CalcTax that implements them.

Finally, it becomes easier to shift responsibilities. For example, in the inheritance-based approach, I had to have the TaskController decide which type of SalesOrder to use. With the new structure, I can have either the TaskController do it or the SalesOrder do it. To have the SalesOrder do it, I would have some configuration object that would let it know which tax object to use (probably the same one the TaskController was using). Figure 9-5 shows this.

Figure 9-5 the SalesOrder object using Configuration to tell it which CalcTax to use.

Most people note that this approach also uses inheritance. This is true. However, it does it in a way different from just deriving a CandianSalesOrder from SalesOrder. In the strict inheritance approach, I am using inheritance within SalesOrder to handle the variation. In the approach indicated by design patterns, I am using an object aggregation approach. (That is, SalesOrder contains a reference to the object that handles the function that is varying; that is, tax.) From the perspective of the SalesOrder (the class I am trying to extend), I am favoring aggregation over inheritance. How the contained class handles its variation is no concern of the SalesOrder.

One could ask, “Well, aren’t you just pushing the problem down the chain?” There are three parts to answering this question. First, yes I am. But doing so simplifies the bigger, more complicated program. Second, the original design captured many independent variables (tax, date format, and so on) in one class hierarchy (SalesOrder), whereas the new approach captures each of these variables in its own class hierarchy. This allows them to be independently extended. Finally, in the new approach, other pieces of the system can use (or test) these smaller operations independently of the SalesOrder. The bottom line is, the approach espoused by patterns will scale, whereas the original use of inheritance will not.

This approach allows the business rule to vary independently from the SalesOrder object that uses it. Note how this woks well for current variations I have as well as any future ones that might come along. Essentially, this use of encapsulating an algorithm in an abstract class (CalcTax) and using one of them at a time interchangeably is the Strategy pattern.

The Strategy Pattern

According to the Gang of Four, the Strategy pattern’s intent is to

Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

The Strategy pattern is based on a few principles:

  • Objects have responsibilities.

  • Different, specific implementations of these responsibilities are manifested through the use of polymorphism.

  • There is a need to manage several different implementations of what is, conceptually, the same algorithm.

It is a good design practice to separate behaviors that occur in the problem domain from each other that is, to decouple them. This allows me to change the class responsible for one behavior without adversely affecting another.

Filed Notes: Using the Strategy Pattern

I had been using the e-commerce example in my pattern classes when someone asked, “Are you aware that in the U.K. people over a certain age don’t get taxed on food?” I wasn’t aware of this, and the interface for the CalcTax object did not handle this case. I could handle this in at least one of three ways:

  1. Pass the age of the Customer to the CalcTax object and use it if needed.

  2. Be more general by passing the Customer object itself and querying it if needed.

  3. Be more general still by passing a reference to the SalesOrder object (that is, this) and letting the CalcTax object query it.

Although it is true I have to modify the SalesOrder and CalcTax classes to handle this case, it is clear how to do this. I am not likely to introduce a problem because of this.

Technically, this Strategy pattern is about encapsulating algorithms. In practice, however, I have found that is can be used for encapsulating virtually any kind of rule. In general, when I am doing analysis and I hear about applying different business rules at different times, I consider the possibility of a Strategy pattern handling this variation for me.

The Strategy pattern requires that the algorithms (business rules) being encapsulated now lie outside of the class that is using them (the Context). This means that the information needed by the strategies must either be passed to them or obtained in some other manner.

The Strategy pattern simplifies unit testing because each algorithm is in its own class and can be tested through its interface alone. If the algorithms are not pulled out, as they are in the Strategy pattern, any coupling between the context and the strategies makes testing more difficult. For example, you may have preconditions before you can instantiate a context object. Or the context may supply some of what becomes the strategy through a protected date member. Testing is even further simplified if several different families of algorithms coexist. (That is, several Strategy patterns are present, which is typically the case.) This is because by using Strategy patterns the developer does not need to worry about interactions caused by coupling with the context. That is, we should be able to test each algorithm independently and not worry about all the combinations possible.

In this sales order example earlier, I had the TaskController pas the strategy object to the SalesOrder object each time it was needed. A litter refection would tell me that unless I were reusing the sales order object for different customers, I would always use the same strategy object for any one particular SalesOrder object. A variation of the Strategy pattern I often see is to assign the strategy object to the context in the Strategy pattern (in this case, my SalesOrder object) in the context’s constructor. Then any method that needs to reference it can, without requiring it be passed in. However, because the context still doesn’t know what particular type of strategy object it has, the power of the pattern is still maintained. This can be done if which particular strategy object is needed is known at the time the context object is constructed.

I have sometimes had students complain that the Strategy pattern causes them to make a number of additional classes. Although I don’t believe this is a real problem, I have done a few things to minimize this when I have control of all the strategies. In this situation, if I am using C++, I might have the abstract strategy header file contain all the header files for the code for the concrete strategies. I also have the abstract strategy cpp file contain the code for the concrete strategies. If I am using Java, I use inner classes in the abstract strategy class to contain all the concrete strategies. I do not do this if I do not have control over all the strategies; that is, if other programmers need to implement their own algorithms.


The Strategy pattern is a way to define a family of algorithms. Conceptually, all of these algorithms do the same things. They just have different implementations.

I showed an example that used a family of tax calculation algorithms. In an international e-commerce system, there might be different tax algorithms for different countries. Strategy would enable me to encapsulate these rules in one abstract class and have a family of concrete derivations.

By deriving all the different ways of performing the algorithm from an abstract class, the main module (SalesOrder in the example above) does not need to worry about which of many possibilities is actually in use. This allows for new variations but also creates the need to manage these variations a challenge I discuss in Chapter 16.

The Strategy Pattern: Key Features


Enables you to use different business rules or algorithms depending on the context in which they occur.


The selection of an algorithm that needs to be applied depends on the client making the request or the data being acted on. If you just have a rule in place that does not change, you do not need a Strategy pattern.


Separates the selection of algorithm from the implementation of the algorithm. Allows for the selection to be made based upon context.

Participants and collaborators

  • Strategy specifies how the different algorithms are used.

  • ConcreteStrategies implement these different algorithms.

  • Context uses a specific ConcreteStrategy with a reference of type Strategy. Strategy and Context interact to implement the chosen algorithm. (Sometimes Strategy must query Context.) The Context forwards requests from its client to Strategy.


  • The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms.

  • Switches and/or conditionals can be eliminated.

  • You must invoke all algorithms in the same way. (They must all have the same interface.) The interaction between the ConcreteStrategies and the Context may require the addition of methods that get state to the Context.


Have the class that uses the algorithm (Context) contains an abstract class (Strategy) that has an abstract method specifying how to call the algorithm. Each derived class implements the algorithm as needed.

Note : in the prototypical Strategy pattern, the responsibility for selection the particular implementation to use is done by the Client object and is given to the Context object of the Strategy pattern.

Figure 9-6 Generic structure of the Strategy pattern.

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