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Technologies about XML
     摘要: JDOM是一个开源的专为Java语言提供XML解析功能的项目,项目自2000年春季启动,目前其最新版本是1.0,并且被Java Community Process接受为JSR102,当时Sun给予JDOM的肯定评价是:In general we tend to prefer to avoid adding new APIs to the Java platform which replicate the functionality of existing APIs. However, JDOM does appear to be significantly easier to use than the earlier APIs, so we believe it will be a useful addition to the platform.可见,JDOM确实是Java语言处理XML的方便工具。

posted @ 2007-04-20 23:44 xiaoxiaoleemin 阅读(546) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |