小阁飞空 一池碧映垂杨路 绛云深处 听尽潇潇雨
At times , people will simply not come through for you in the way you need.Forgive them and move on.
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when you meet something that you do not want to face but you have to face, mainly there are two ways to think about.
   the first one, change your attitude, and pretend to be happy to do it, though it seems to be difficult to like this, It would do you better than you complain and be sad all the time.
    secondly, if you think you can not bear any more, and feel painful to do so, then it is best that you know clearly what exactly you like and want. Do be enough prepared to say no anytime.
   However, mostly I feel upset and meantime do not know the way I should go. It is worst, so for now, I should save myself from this situation first.
posted on 2007-01-05 07:14 潇潇雨 阅读(216) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 日记

