小阁飞空 一池碧映垂杨路 绛云深处 听尽潇潇雨
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I'm a programmer, but I need to install IDS 7.31

I have one server compaq (intel pentium) with Unixware 7.1.1

I read the documentation but my problem continues.

When I start the Database server with the 'oninit -i' instruction, I see the next error:

"oninit: Fatal error in shared memory creation"

Somebody help me, please¡

Sorry for my english.

Helpful Member! appi (IS/IT--Management)
8 Jul 04 4:00

take a look in the ONCONFIG which logfile you've specified.
In that logfile maybe an error during startup is reported.
Paramater in Onconfig is MSGPATH
Pls report the error over there and we may help you
coquito65 (Programmer)
8 Jul 04 12:58

This is the error message:

11:50:11  shmget: [EEXIST][17]: key 52574801: shared memory already exists
11:50:11  mt_shm_init: can't create resident segment

Thanks appi ¡
ids2000 (TechnicalUser)
3 Aug 04 10:26
The problem is that probably you have tried to bring the engine up too many times, and so has locked some
shared memory segments on your OS.
Try this:

ipcs -m|grep informix

See if there is any memory segments there, if so, try this:

ipcrm -m <shmid>
where <shmid> is the number on the second column.

After that, cut and paste the output from onstat -

"The only way of knowing is to understand"

posted on 2006-11-18 07:38 潇潇雨 阅读(544) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Database


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