bash: ll:command not found

Posted on 2013-09-06 15:12 H2O 阅读(4645) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
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bash: ll: command not found

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Hi Linux user,
at my console, I can type ls -l to view the files and directories listing. But when I type ll it appear the following message :

bash: ll:command not found

appreciate anyone can help. By the way, I am using debian 3

Old08-07-2003, 11:23 PM  #2
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if you were reading a tips and tricks page about alias' and you are figuring that when people use the ll command that it does the same as ls -l without doing anything well then thats where you got tricked
you have to make an alias for "ll" if you want to use it as a command as it doesn't pre-exist...
so you could edit your .bashrc file in your home directory and type:
alias ll='ls -l'
and then when you type ll you will see the same output as ls -l.


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