Posted on 2013-10-07 02:30
H2O 阅读(377)
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Errors info is:
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
Because you don't install UTF-8 support ,so that you can do this bellow to solved this problem:
# for english
apt-get -y install language-pack-en-base
# for chinese
apt-get install -y language-pack-zh-hans
apt-get install -y language-pack-zh-hans-base
apt-get install -y language-pack-zh-hant - translation
apt-get install -y language-pack-zh-hant-base
# if you wan't to support others you can search languages.
apt-cache search language-pack ,
so that you can get the language you want,remember the package name and install it to be okay.
# if you want set default encoding for system, you can edit /etc/environment
vi /etc/environment
# add content as bellow
dpkg-reconfigure locales
# reboot or let it come into force
source /etc/environment # take effect now.
reboot # after you reboot machine ,default encoding to be what you edited.
vim /etc/default/locale 其中改为zh_CN
#check default encoding you can use a simple command.