
it's usually better to solve problems with simplicity and finesse rather than muscle.

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<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" >
< html  xmlns ="" >
< head >
< title > jQuery Tutorial 1--Hello World  </ title >
<!-- 引入jQuery 库 -->
< script  type ="text/javascript"  src ="jquery-1.2.6.js" ></ script >
< SCRIPT  LANGUAGE ="JavaScript" >
// 使用方式一,
     $("#btnShow").click( function(){ $("#divMsg").show('slow');});
     $("#btnHide").click( function(){ $("#divMsg").hide('slow');});
     $("#btnChange").click(function(){ $("#divMsg").html("Hello World, 我变身了");});
     $("#btnInitTxt").click(function(){ $("#divMsg").html("Hello World!");});

// -->

</ head >
< body >
< div  id ="divMsg" > Hello World! </ div >
< input  id ="btnInitTxt"  type ="button"  value ="初始!" />
< input  id ="btnChange"  type ="button"  value ="变身"   /> <!-- 改变文本内容 -->
< input  id ="btnHide"  type ="button"  value ="隐藏"   /> <!-- 隐藏文本 -->
< input  id ="btnShow"  type ="button"  value ="显示"   /> <!-- 显示文本 -->
< script  type ="text/javascript"   >
// 使用方式二,
         // 以渐变的方式隐藏或显示
        $( " #btnShow " ).bind( " click " function (event)  {
// $("#divMsg").show('slow'); 
            $( " #divMsg " ).show(); 
" #btnHide " ).bind( " click " function (event)  { $( " #divMsg " ).hide('slow'); } );
" #btnChange " ).bind( " click " function (event)  { $( " #divMsg " ).html( " Hello World, 我变身了 " ); } );  
" #btnInitTxt " ).bind( " click " function (event)  { $( " #divMsg " ).html( " Hello World! " ); } );  

</ script >
</ body >
</ html >

posted on 2011-01-28 10:49 @yeafee 阅读(133) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JS&HTML

