@rocks=qw(ab cd ef gh);
print @rocks; #打印出abcdefgh
print @rocks."\n"; #打印4
JIT是just in time,即时编译技术。使用该技术,能够加速java程序的执行速度。下面,就对该技术做个简单的讲解。
JIT 编译过程
JIT是just in time,即时编译技术。使用该技术,能够加速java程序的执行速度。下面,就对该技术做个简单的讲解。
JIT 编译过程
* 嵌入式系统中主要的存储介质 Flash 是稀有资源,为数不多的 RAM 也是。在嵌入式
* Linux 中,rootfs 是必不可少的。PC 上主要实现有 ramdisk 和直接挂载 HD(
Harddisk,硬盘) 上的根文件系统;嵌入式中一般不从 HD 启动,而是从 Flash 启
动,最简单的方法是将 rootfs load 到 RAM 的 RAMDisk,稍复杂的就是 直接从
Flash 读取的 Cramfs,更复杂的是在 Flash 上分区,并构建 JFFS2 等文件系统。
* RAMDisk 将制作好的 rootfs 压缩后写入 Flash,启动的时候由 Bootloader load 到
RAM,解压缩,然后挂载到 /。这种方法操作简单,但是在 RAM 中的文件系统不是压
缩的,因此需要占用许多嵌入式系统中稀有资源 RAM。
* initrd 是 RAMDisk 的格式,kernel 2.4 之前都是 image-initrd,Kernel 2.5 引入
了 cpio-initrd,大大简化了 Linux 的启动过程,附合 Linux 的基本哲学:Keep it
simple, stupid(KISS). 不过,cpio-initrd 作为新的格式,还没有经过广泛测试,
嵌入式 Linux 中主要采用的还是 image-initrd。
* Cramfs 是 Linus 写的很简单的文件系统,有很好的压缩绿,也可以直接从 Flash 上
运行,不须 load 到 RAM 中,因此节约了 RAM。但是 Cramfs 是只读的,对于需要运
行时修改的目录(如: /etc, /var, /tmp)多有不便,因此,一般将这些目录做成
ramfs 等可写的 fs。
* SquashFS 是对 Cramfs 的增强。突破了 Cramfs 的一些限制,在 Flash 和 RAM 的使
用量方面也具有优势。不过,据开发者介绍,在性能上可能不如 Cramfs。这也是一种
* XIP(exece-in-place,就地运行) 是一种不须将应用程序 load 到 RAM 就可以运行
的技术,无疑可以减少 RAM 的使用。不过在嵌入式系统我还没有遇到这种技术的使用
1. When you come to work, the first thing you need to do is: Create a View
ct mkview -tag <view_tag> <view_storage_path>
ct mkview -tag alex_test /net/nj2/ |
Other Command:
ct lsview list all the views reside in the hosts |
ct lsview | grep name list specified view by name |
ct rmview -tag <view_tag> remove an exist view |
2. After you create a vew, you need to Set the View to enter it. Then you are able to see the vob content only when you set the view.
Other Commands
ct pwv see which view you are currently in |
exit quit from current view |
3. When you are in a view, you need to set the config spec correctly to pick up the right version of element.
ct catcs view your config spec |
ct edcs edit your config spec by vi editor |
Other Commands
ct catcs > filename Copy your config spec to a file |
ct setcs filename Set your config spec from a file |
What doew config spec say ? For example:
element* .../ISGcq00123456/LASTEST
element* BLUETOOTH_00.07.00
element* AP_SIPC.01.32.00
element* AP_IB2.00.38_ARM
element* /main/LATEST
element <file path> <version path> |
file path: hello.c, *, /vob/su_java/...
version path: Label or Branch
4. Now you may have a task to do. You have a CR assigned, and you know the baseline version.
- Set config spec to the baseline version.
- Create branch type associated with the CR.
ct mkbrtype ISGcq00123456 |
- Make branch on the baseline version
Result: hello.c@@/main/ISGcq00123456/0 is created and checked out(a copy of hello.c in the dir was created and you can edited it. If there is not hello.c in the dir, the clearcase would submit a error).
- Add a rule to pick up this branch in the config spec, just below the CHECKEDOUT rule.
element* .../ISGcq00123456/LATEST |
- Branch type shall have naming convention designed by every project.
- Don't want check out:
- Remove a branch from an element:
Make sure no checked out version on this branch
ct rename brtype:old_name brtype:new_name |
It will apply to all the created branch.
- Remove a branch type as well as all the related element branch
ct rmtype -rmall brtype:ISGcq00123456 |
5. After making your CR branch on the file to be changed, check out the version if it hasn't been checked out(checkout后会产生一个自己的私有文件,你可以自己修改,别人看不到,只有这个文件被checkin后才会放到vobs里).
Then, you are able to edit this file. After you finish the change, check in the file to vob.
The result is, the element will increase one version on the branch:
A checked out version is only in your view. Other engineer can not see it. If you remove that view, you will lost the checked out version.
You can undo checkout by:
If a checked version has no change, it can't be checked in. You will get an error message like "The file is identical"
An unreserved checked out will not block other people check out the same version. Normally, we just use reserved checkout.
You can only check out a file on the branch which has mastership role.
6. If your task is to create a new file, you need to do below steps:
- Make branch on the directory that you will add the file to
ct mkbranch ISGcq00123456 /vob/su_jave/code/src |
- The directory will be automatically checked out. Then make element in this dir.
Create a folder
ct mkelem -eltype directory test |
Dont check it out, because you need to make the CR branch on this file.
ct mkbranch ISGcq00123456 hello.c |
- Check in this directory. Otherwise, other people can not see your new file.
ct ci -nc /vob/su_java/code/src |
- We usually only check in the file, but forget to check in the directory. This will cause the file you created can't be stored in the VOB and can't be seen by other people.
- Go to the top project folder, use below command to list all checked out files and directories int the current dir and sub dir in your view. It will help you check in all elements.
7. Now, your task is ongoing. In coding and testing, you may need to merge your file to other version. below example gives the merge steps:
Example: Merge file from hello.c@@/main/branchfrom/5 to hello.c@@/main/branchto/2
Usually you may also need to compare two versions
Compare this version from the previous version
- Use this command to list all versions of an element
include the merge info
Remove a merge arrow:
Dont do actual merge, just draw a merge line
In what cases we need merge:
- Integrate with the code developed by someone else.
- If baseline version has been incresed, need upermage.
- Merge for release.
8. If you want to remove an un-use version, use the command
Then the version 2 will be removed, but next time the version will increase from 1 to 3.
If you want to remove a file, you can use remove name command:
Be sure to make branch and check out the current directory before rmove it, just like the steps of make element.
If you want to rename a file, you can use
If you want to create an element link, you can use
ct ln source_file file_link |
(checkout current folder like above)
9. Now you may have completed the task of coding, testing, inspection, and prepare to release it. You need to check your developed version is complied with below rules:
- Must make branch from the baseline version.
- Must have up merged your branch if the baseline version is not the LATEST version.
- All the files and directories have no checkou.
10. How to label the version
Make the label type:
ct mklbtype BLUETOOTH_00.07.00 |
Make label on a version:
Move a label from the old version to a new version:
Remove label on a version:
Remove the label type
ct rmtype lbtype:BLUETOOTH_00.07.00 |
11. How to search the reuqired version
Find all files with the version(.../ISGcq00373766/LATEST) and with no label SAMBA_AP_DSL_BLUETOOTH_00.00.07:
ct find /vob/directory -version 'version(.../ISGcq00373766/LATEST) && !version(SAMBA_AP_DSL_BLUETOOTH_00.00.07)' -print |
Find all files with the version SAMBA_AP_DSL_BLUETOOTH_00.00.07, and then search STRING in all found files:
ct find .-version 'version(SAMBA_AP_DSL_BLUETOOTH_00.00.07)' -exec 'grep STRING $CLEARCASE_PN' |
tar zxvf cramfs-1.1.tar.gz
mkcramfs [-h] [-e edition] [-i file] [-n name] dirname outfile
-e edition:设置生成的文件系统中的版本号
-i file:将一个文件映像插入这个文件系统之中(只能在Linux2.4.0以后的内核版本中使用)
-n name:设定cramfs文件系统的名字
cramfsck [-hv] [-x dir] file
-x dir:释放文件到dir所指出的目录中
vi filename
还有vim gedit等文件编辑器
touch filename
set -o 打印所以的选项
set -o vi 打开选项
set +o vi 关闭选项
shopt -p 打印所以的选项
shopt -s cdspell打开选项
shopt -u cdspell关闭选项
Shell 运算和进制转换
Shell 提供大量的基本运算操作,在脚本中非常有用。Shell 对您提供的算术表达式求值,执行运算展开式,此时使用得出的结果替换表达式。以下面的格式提供运算表达式:
您可以使用 echo 在命令行显示运算展开式的结果,了解其工作情况。现在尝试清单 5 所显示的结果。
清单 5. Bourne Shell 中的运算展开式
$ echo $((10+40))
$ echo $((5*(3+3)))
您还可以将展开式分配给变量。尝试清单 6 所显示的结果。
清单 6. 将运算展开式分配给 Shell 变量
$ myvar = 10
$ echo $myvar
$ echo $(($myvar-2))
$ myvar = $(($myvar+5))
$ echo $myvar
$ result = $(($myvar-10))
$ echo $result
表 2 列出了在大多数 Bourne 以及与 Bourne 兼容的 Shell中可以使用的运算符。正如上面第二个示例,使用圆括号括起来的语句有更高的优先级。实际上,Shell 算术优先级通常根据 C 语言的规则来确定。
表 2. Shell 条件表达式
运算符 |
描述 |
+ |
加 |
- |
减 |
* |
乘 |
/ |
除 |
% |
求余 |
< |
小于(1 代表真,0 代表假) |
<= |
小于等于(1 代表真,0 代表假) |
> |
大于(1 代表真,0 代表假) |
>= |
大于等于(1 代表真,0 代表假) |
<< |
按位向左移位:将给定的整数或第一个表达式向左移动第二个表达式表示的位数 |
>> |
按位向右移位:将给定的整数或第一个表达式向右移动第二个表达式表示的位数 |
使用 Shell 运算进行进制转换
假定在您的脚本中有一些数字,您需要以另外的进制处理这些数字。使用 Shell 运算可以很容易地自动实现这类转换。一种情况是使用 Shell 运算把一个数字从给定的进制转换位十进制。如果数字以运算展开式的形式提供,那么假定它带有十进制符号,除非 它前面带有 0(这种情况假定是八进制)或 0x(这种情况假定是十六进制)。键入以下内容以得到一些八进制和十六进制值的十进制输出:
$ echo $((013))
$ echo $((0xA4))
您还可以使用以下格式指定 2 到 64 之间的任意进制:
通过在 Shell 提示符后键入清单 7 中所示的行,尝试将二进制、八进制、十六进制以及其他进制的数转换为十进制。
清单 7. 在 Shell 中将任意进制的数以十进制输出
echo $((2#1101010))
echo $((8#377))
echo $((16#D8))
echo $((12#10))
echo $((36#ZZYY))
使用 bc 进行进制转换
在 Shell 中进行进制转换的另一个诀窍是使用 bc ,它是一种任意精度运算语言,大多数 UNIX 安装程序都提供。因为它允许您指定输出进制,所以当您需要以十进制以外的进制输出时,这是一种很好的技术。
bc 的特殊变量 ibase 和 obase 分别包含用于输入和输出的进制的值。缺省情况下,都被设置为 10。要执行进制转换,需要改变其中的一个或两个值,然后提供一个数字。立即尝试,如清单 8 中所示。
清单 8. 使用 bc 执行进制转换
$ bc -ql
要快速执行进制转换,可以联合使用 bc 和 echo 形成快捷的单命令行程序,将给定的值通过管道传输给 bc 。键入清单 9 中显示的内容。
清单 9. Shell 单命令行 bc 程序
$ echo 'obase=16; 47' | bc
$ echo 'obase=10; ibase=16; A03' | bc
警告:当您设置 bc 的输入进制以后,输入 bc 的所有数字都使用该进制,包括您提供用于设置输出进制的数字。因此最好先设置输出进制,否则可能会产生意想不到的结果,如清单 10 中所示。
清单 10. 设置输入和输出进制的先后顺序的重要性
$ echo 'ibase=16; obase=10; A' | bc
$ echo 'ibase=16; obase=A; A' | bc
(1)#chmod +x file(在/etc/profile中,加入export PATH=${PATH}:~/yourpath,就可以在命令行下直接运行,像执行普通命令一样)
(2)#sh file
(3)# . file
(4)#source file
按位进行与运算 : &
按位进行或运算 : |
按位进行位异运算: ^
按位进行取反运算: ~
The bitwise operators allow you to manipulate individual bits in an integral primitive data type.Bitwise operators perform Boolean algebra on the corresponding bits in the two arguments to produce the result. The bitwise operators come from C’s low-level orientation, where you often manipulate hardware
directly and must set the bits in hardware registers. Java was originally designed to be embedded in TV set-top boxes, so this low-level orientation still made sense. However, you probably won’t use the bitwise operators much.
The bitwise AND operator (&) produces a one in the output bit if both input bits are one; otherwise, it produces a zero.
The bitwise OR operator (|) produces a one in the output bit if either input bit is a one and produces a zero only if both input bits are zero.
The bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR, or XOR (^), produces a one in the output bit if one or the other input bit is a one, but not both.
The bitwise NOT (~, also called the ones complement operator) is a unary operator; it takes only one argument. (All other bitwise operators are binary operators.) Bitwise NOT produces the opposite of the input bit—a one if the input bit is zero, a zero if the input bit is one.