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The restore command works fine, but while attempting the rolforward of the sql logs, it complains about database falling short on bufferpool,and then terminates the rollforward process. One close look at the db2diag.log file, I noticed that db2 tried to start the database with the hidden bufferpool. But, apparently, that hidden bufferpool was pretty small to rollforward the logs and bring it online.

I cannot reduce the bufferpool size as the database cannot be connected to.I cannot connect to the database as it is in rollforward pending state. I cannot rollforward the database, as it's not happy with the size of the *hidden* bufferpool and terminates.


db2set DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF=50000

This will bring up all configured bufferpools using 50000 pages each. You
can choose a smaller/larger value that is suitable for your number of
bufferpools and available system memory. You can also configure each
bufferpool individually if you want

値: 正数のページ数
 <entry>[;<entry>...] (<entry>=<バッファー・プール ID>,<ページ数> )

There is sitiuation that above solution does not work.

				When you try to create a bufferpool or alter a bufferpool to a
very large size and there is not enough memory in the system
, DB2 may occupies all pagespace and overrall performance of
the system become slow and may get hang at last because no
pagespace is available. Then after you connect the database
next time, DB2 will do crash recovery and still try to
allocate memory for this big bufferpool and occupy all
pagespace again. when you specify DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF parameter
to override bufferpool size, it doesn't take effect in this
situation. This is becasue DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF only applies for
bufferpools that already exist at startup, and not to
bufferpools that are created during crash recovery or roll
forward. We will fix this problem and check DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF
registry when creating bufferpools during crash recovery or
roll forward. This problem only occurs in a 64 bit instance.


Local fix

				You can use db2iupdt -w 32 <INSTNAME> to update the instance to
a 32 bit instance, then you can connect to the database
succefully. After that, use db2iupdt -w 64 <INSTNAME> to update
the instance to 64 bit again. Please take a backup at this
point, so we don't have to roll forward through bufferpool
creation that fails if we need restore and roll forward


Problem summary

				Users Affected:
All users using 64 bit instance
Problem Description:
When you try to create a bufferpool or alter a bufferpool to a
very large size and there is not enough memory in the system
, DB2 may occupies all pagespace and overrall performance
of the system become slow and may get hang at last
because no pagespace is available. Then after you connect the
database at next time, DB2 will do crash recovery and still try
to allocate
memory for this big bufferpool and occupy all pagespace again.
In this situation, when you specify DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF parameter
to override bufferpool size, it doesn't take effect in this
situation. This
is becasue DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF only applies for bufferpools that
already exist at startup, and not to bufferpools that are
created during crash recovery or roll forward. We will fix
this problem and check
DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF registry when creating bufferpools during crash
recovery or roll forward. This problem only occurs in 64 bit
Problem Summary:
This problem is caused by a misoperation, when you create or alt
er a bufferpool, the size is too large to allocated from OS and
cause overrall performance of the system is very slow and seems
hang. Another problem is that DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF registry only app
lies to bufferpools that already exists, and not bufferpools wil
l be created in crash recovery or roll forward. So DB2 will try
to create this big bufferpool again when doing crash recovery or
 roll forward. We will fix this problem and check DB2_OVERRIDE_B
PF registry in our crash recovery and roll forward code.


Problem conclusion


Temporary fix

				You can use db2iupdt -w 32 <INSTNAME> to update the instance to
a 32 bit instance, then you can connect to the database
succefully. After that, use db2iupdt -w 64 <INSTNAME> to update
the instance to 64 bit again. Please take a backup at this
point, so we don't have to roll forward through bufferpool
creation that fails if we need restore and roll
forward database.Please also notice that be careful when creati
ng bufferpool, don't specify a too large value.


posted @ 2007-03-15 15:21 MyJavaWorld 阅读(733) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Change db2 password in db2 level

DB2 depends on operation system level authorization to control DB2 system access.

In some case, our db2 account only allows to connect to instance or database, but not log on the system. In other words, we are not able to use the account to get a shell on unix or logon locally on windows.

As usual, when we need to change db2 password, we take action on the system level because it's more frank. But in the case above that we can't get logon, we have to do it on db2 level. There are 2 ways.

  • Use the GUI tool DB2 Configuration Assistance
  • Use the command line tools DB2 CLP or CE

Using DB2 Configuration Assistance

Right click on a database name, then choose "Change password".

CA tool interface

Note: When more than one databases live in same system, we might share the same account in multi-database. Changing password for one of them will affect all databases in this system. In other words, we don't need to do the change on each database, we could choose any we have privileges on the system.

Limitation: We are not able to change our password in the case of that we are only allowed to attach to the node but not connect to any database, or we don't get the catalog information for any database in the node.

For this limitation, it works out with the 2nd way. 

Using DB2 CLP and CE

We could use CLP and CE to change password for databases and nodes that we connected or attached to.

  • Change by connecting to database
C:\> db2 connect to SAMPLE user TEST using OLDPWD new NEWPWD confirm NEWPWD
C:\> db2 connect to SAMPLE user TEST using OLDPWD change password
  • Change by attaching to node, this way works out for the limitation in Configuration Assistance
C:\> db2 attach to NODE user TEST using OLDPWD new NEWPWD confirm NEWPWD
C:\> db2 attach to NODE user TEST using OLDPWD change password

alter table xxx VOLATILE


  • a. 反复无常的,挥发性的

Indicates to the optimizer whether or not the cardinality of table table-name can
vary significantly at run time. Volatility applies to the number of rows in the
table, not to the table itself. CARDINALITY is an optional keyword. The default

Specifies that the cardinality of table table-name can vary significantly at
run time, from empty to large. To access the table, the optimizer will use
an index scan (rather than a table scan, regardless of the statistics) if that
index is index-only (all referenced columns are in the index), or that index
is able to apply a predicate in the index scan. The list prefetch access method
will not be used to access the table. If the table is a typed table, this option
is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

Specifies that the cardinality of table-name is not volatile.
Access plans to this table will continue to be based on existing statistics and
on the current optimization level.

NOTE: The keyword could be specified within ALTER TABLE, but not CREATE TABLE.


Difference between Local and System Database Directory

DB2 automatically catalogs databases when they are created. It catalogs an entry
for the database in the local database directory and another entry in the system
database directory. If the database is created from a remote client (or a client which
is executing from a different instance on the same machine), an entry is also made
in the system database directory at the client instance.

Databases on the same node as the database manager instance are cataloged as
indirect entries. Databases on other nodes are cataloged as remote entries.

List DBs in Local Database Directory

$ db2 list db directory on /path_to_where_db_created 

List DBs in System Database Directory

$ db2 list db directory


Illustration of standard tables

Standard Tables Overview

Query the status for one specified tablespace?

As we know, we could issue following command to query status for all of tablespaces in current connected DB.

$ db2 list tablespaces show detail > /tmp/ts.list

Then find the status for the tablespaces we concerned.

Is there's a way to query the status for one specified tablespace?

My answer is No. 

  1. First, I don't find the related column defination in the table or view:
    • sysibm.systablespaces
    • syscat.tablespaces
  2. Second, I don't think DB2 stores the status flag within syscata tables. The reason is that once a tablespace comes into a special status, it will not be allowed changing any longer(this may also happen on a system catalog tablespace.) that will lead to a conflict on changing the tablespace status flag if stores it within system catalog tables.

Illustration of the DMS table-space address map

address map for DMS TS

DB2 directories and files

  • http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v8//topic/com.ibm.db2.udb.doc/admin/c0005420.htm

Illustration of DB2 architechure and process

overview for tuning


  • http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v8//topic/com.ibm.db2.udb.doc/admin/c0005418.htm 

Tablespaces are put into backup pending after a load

DB2 sets tablespace as Backup Pending state after loading data into a table in linear logging database(that is, logretain or userexit is on), whatever the load is successful or failed. the reason is that the load process will not write log file. from the begin time of loading to the end time of loading, there will be a blank segment in log file, and the rollforward recovery can Not jump over the blank segment to apply the later log file.

so database needs a backup after loading to make sure db2 have recovery capicibility.

it's able to use [COPY YES|NO]  or [NONRECOVERABLE] to prevent tablespace go into Backup Pending state. COPY YES will do the backup automatically after loading, and COPY NO and NONRECOVERABLE will give up this backup that means db2 will be not able to recover the database once an serious error occured.

继续阅读 "Tablespaces are put into backup pending after a load" 的剩余内容

Come pending when droping Procedures

Problem Description 

There's no any response for creating or droping any procedures in DB2. Seems it's pending there, without any error returned. This time UPDATE statement on tables could be issued successfully.

Check Process

Check OS disk available

$ df -kl 

Check database configure

db2 => get db cfg |more 

Check system catalog tablespace 

db2 => list tablespaces show detail |more
syscatspace 0x0000 


It caused by issuing CREATE or DROP statement without COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement in CLP which is in non-Autocommit mode.


After you issue a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK in the CLP or close it, the pending is gone.

We must be very careful when we use client in non-Autocommit mode just like CLPs in this case.

To check the Autocommit mode in CLP issues. Refer to:

set COMMIT mode in db2 clp

db2 => list command options

-c 自动落实 OFF


From this point, we could get more. Most of strange things like this(pending there and no error return) are caused by locking.

In this case, it was only the opertation on procedures being pended, so track on this thread to suppose the syscat tables related with procedures are locked then find the what probably causes it.

db2 can not create index on local view

There's an object called index view since MS SQL Server 2000, it's an index which is created on an view which is based on a local table. it is attent to imporve the select performence on the view when this view is based on multi-table and has complex logic.

I try to find a simular thing in DB2, but there's no the simular solution in DB2 v8.2 for now. Instead, I found another thing instested.

DB2 allows creating index on the tables or views in remote data source, such as a database on another host or an XML data source. To be exactly, that's Not true Index, it's Index Specification. It requests that the tables in remote data source have created index in its own system. And it only repeat the index description in local system.

										Local DB2 Env                                            Remote DB2 Env

Index Specification    ->    Nickname   - - ->   True Index    ->    Table

See following example in DB2 info center.

  • CREATE INDEX statement

Example 3:  The nickname EMPLOYEE references a data source table called CURRENT_EMP. After this nickname was created, an index was defined on CURRENT_EMP. The columns chosen for the index key were WORKDEBT and JOB. Create an index specificationindex. Through this specification, the optimizer will know that the index exists and what its key is. With this information, the optimizer can improve its strategy to access the table. that describes this


Note: the Nickname is only allowed to be created on tables in local database and on much kind of objects at remote data source. It's not allowed to be created on views in local database.

set COMMIT mode in db2 clp

As default, DB2 CLP will do commit after you issue each DB2 statements or SQL automatically.

If you want to change it instead of issuing COMMIT or ROLLBACK manually, do following.

db2 => list command options
    -c   ON
db2 => update command options using c off
db2 => list command options
    -c   OFF

This change will only exists during this session. The setting will lose when you close this CLP and open CLP next time.

following cmd will get the same result with above.

SQLLIB\BIN> db2 list command options
    -c    ON
SQLLIB\BIN> db2 +c
db2 =>
db2 => list command options
    -c    OFF
db2 => quit
SQLLIB\BIN> db2 list command options
    -c    ON

There's also the way to keep the settings forever, do following.

SQLLIB\BIN\> db2 list command options
    -c   ON
SQLLIB\BIN\> db2set db2options=+c
SQLLIB\BIN\> db2 list command options
    -c   OFF

This change will take effection immediately even for others having been opened CLP windows. And will keep along.

Use following cmd set it back to ON. 

SQLLIB\BIN> db2set db2opptions=-c


表与索引的重命名 RENAME

在DB2 中重命名表或者索引

posted @ 2007-03-15 15:00 MyJavaWorld 阅读(516) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
      ctime(change time)改变时间:是指文件状态最后一次被改变的时间;
      mtime(modification time)修改时间:是指文件内容最后一次被改变的时间;
      atime(access time)访问时间:是指文件最后一次被读取的时间。
     例如:echo “Hello World” >> myfile 则同时改变了ctime和mtime,atime不变;
     chmod u+x myfile 则只改变了ctime,mtime和atime不变。
     cat myfile,则只改变了atime,ctime和mtime不变
     ps:以上操作均在redhat linux下验证通过
posted @ 2007-03-13 17:51 MyJavaWorld 阅读(1169) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏