An error such as the following can occur when you are deploying an application to WAS 6 in Windows®: " The URI length is greater than the Windows limit of 259 characters"
The length limit on Windows is imposed by the JDK 1.4
Shorten the temp directory used by WebSphere® Application Server (WAS), following the steps described below:
Create a directory with a short name on the C drive, for example, C:\tmp.
Start the WebSphere Application Server V6.0, and using the WAS Administrative Console, navigate to the servers Application Servers > server1 > Java™ and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine page.
In the Generic JVM arguments, fill in: -Dworkspace.user.root=C:\tmp
Save and re-start the WebSphere Application Server
When the server restarts, it will then use the C:\tmp directory as the WebSphere Application Server temp directory. This fixes the problem.