* The maximum size of array to allocate. --申请新数组最大长度
* Some VMs reserve some header words in an array.
* Attempts to allocate larger arrays may result in
* OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit --如果申请的数组占用的内心大于JVM的限制抛出异常
private static final int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;//为什么减去8看注释第2行
* Increases the capacity to ensure that it can hold at least the
* number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument.
* @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
private void grow(int minCapacity) {
// overflow-conscious code
int oldCapacity = elementData.length;
int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1); //新申请的长度为old的3/2倍同时使用位移运算更高效,JDK5中: (oldCapacity *3)/2+1
if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0)
newCapacity = minCapacity;
if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) //你懂的
newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity);
// minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win:
elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);
private static int hugeCapacity(int minCapacity) {
if (minCapacity < 0) // overflow
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
return (minCapacity > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ?
Integer.MAX_VALUE :