
Posted on 2007-11-08 23:21 yukui 阅读(515) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

Union List glossary



Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition. The national/international standard for cataloging library materials. The rules are "designed for use in the construction of catalogues and other lists in general libraries of all sizes. ^ The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for, all library materials commonly collected at the present time." The rules are maintained by the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR and published by the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Library Association.

Words, numbers, or symbols that designate a physical or virtual location. Examples: street numbers and names, countries, e-mail addresses, URLs.

American National Standards Institute. A nonprofit non-governmental organization composed of representatives from business and professional organizations that acts as the repository for various voluntary standards. See also NISO.

ANSI/NISO Standards for Holdings Data
The standard for holdings data exchange, providing a normative arrangement of data in records so that the data and records can be efficiently shared among users. Current ANSI/NISO standards for holdings data are documented in Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI Z39.71 1999). See also Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Level 4.

archive record
The bibliographic record OCLC creates and stores that contains local changes made by an institution to the master record. Archive records are a complete history of an institution's OCLC cataloging activity. OCLC uses archive records to create offline products—catalog cards, magnetic tape cartridges of records, electronic files of records. Note: Union list data entry does not create an archive record.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard computer character code set, consisting of alphanumeric characters, punctuation, and a few control characters (such as a carriage return). Each ASCII character consists of 7 information bits and 1 parity bit for error checking.

assigned search key
A string of characters assigned to an item by an agency which can be used to retrieve the record for that item.

authorization level
See authorization mode.

authorization mode
Defines a range of tasks that can be performed when logged on to a service.

authorization number
Number assigned by OCLC to authorize use of OCLC services. Usually used in conjunction with a password. See also password, default system, default holding library code.


bibliographic information
Details about an item that are sufficient to identify it for the purpose of retrieval are placed in a specific format that describes one item in a collection. Examples: author, title, publisher, publication location, edition, series title, and notes.

bibliographic record
Contains the cataloging information that describes the physical format and intellectual content of a single entity (a book, video, computer file, CD, etc.). Catalogers create records by encoding this information using tags, indicators, and subfield codes in a standard format, MARC 21 (MAchine-Readable Cataloging). Each record is divided into fields (author, title, subjects, etc.) Fields are subdivided into subfields (place of publication, publisher, etc.).

brief list
The default display of results from interactive searches using CatME, Arabic, CJK, or from searches using Passport when two to five records are retrieved. Each entry gives a two- to six-line description of a record, containing descriptive fields, OCLC control number and other information.

Command used to send a title phrase search.



call number
A set of letters, numerals or other symbols (in combination or alone) used by a library to identify a specific copy of a work. A call number consists of the class number and book number (or Cutter number).

Cataloging Agent mode
An authorization mode that allows the Cataloging Agent of a resource-sharing group to process cataloging records on a member's behalf. Agents process unresolved records from the group's batchloading activity.

Types of dates used by publishers to identify the individual bibliographic unit of a serial, for example, date of coverage, date of publication, or date of printing.

classification number
The part of a call number, usually a combination of letters and numbers, used to classify library resources by subject area.

The Chemical Abstracts Service assigns six-character codes to serials. The first five characters have a mnemonic relationship to the serial. The last character is an alphabetic or numeric check character. For example, AISJB6, CADIDW.

communications format
In machine-readable cataloging (MARC), the standards for representation and exchange of data in machine-readable form. In the USA, this is an implementation of an ANSI standard. MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (formerly called USMARC) is an implementation of ANSI standard Z39.2. OCLC-MARC is an implementation of MARC 21 that conforms to the ANSI standard. Standards provide a common way of organizing machine-readable records so that they can be easily exchanged among users.

An indication of how much of a published run of a serial is held. Completeness is indicated in ranges, for example, Complete (95% 100% held), Incomplete (50%-94% held), Scattered (less than 50% held).

conference name
All or part of the name or title of a conference. A conference name could also be included in a title, abstract, notes, or text of a library resource. Examples: names of meetings, exhibitions, expositions, festivals, athletic contests, scientific expeditions.

continuing resource
A bibliographic resource that is issued over time with no predetermined conclusion. Continuing resources include serials and ongoing integrating resources.

Copy Display
A secondary work area in which you can place a record. Use with the Main Display to work with two records.

copy level
See summary-copy holdings data.

copy summary
See summary-institution holdings data.

corporate name
The names of associations, institutions, businesses, firms, nonprofit enterprises, governments, agencies, performing groups used as entries in records.

See OCLC Customer Services Division (CSD).

Custom Holdings
Customized groups of preferred lenders; you define the groups for sets of similar requests.

Custom Holdings Group record
A record that contains OCLC symbols of preferred lenders within a particular category (for example, Books or State).

Custom Holdings Locations record
A display associated with a WorldCat record that lists institutions from which you prefer to borrow.

Custom Holdings Path record
A record that contains one or more custom holdings group records sorted in order of borrowing preference.



database indicator
Acronym that indicates which database you are in. Indicator for WorldCat is OL ; for the Authority File, AF.

The selection made by the computer in the absence of specific instructions by the user.

default holding library code
The holding library code that appears automatically in bibliographic field 049 (Local Holdings) when a user displays a bibliographic record. Each authorization number/password combination has a default holding library code. See also authorization number, password.

default holdings displays
The system responds to an unqualified Display Holdings (dh) command with an all, regional, or state list of holdings depending upon the number of holdings available.

default system
The OCLC system you are in when you log on. Each authorization number and password has a default system. See also authorization number, password.

Character (?) used to indicate the beginning of a subfield within a variable field in a MARC bibliographic or authority record. See also subfield.

detailed level information
Holdings statement at the most detailed level of enumeration and chronology. See also Level 4.

Dewey Decimal class number
A classification number that conforms to the conventions used in the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The classes used to identify library resources are: 000, General Works; 100, Philosophy & Psychology; 200, Religion; 300, Social Sciences; 400, Language; 500, Natural Sciences & Math; 600, Applied Sciences (Technology); 700, Fine Arts; 800, Literature; 900, Geography & History.

A mark that modifies the phonetic value of another character or characters. It does not occur alone but is used in conjunction with another character. In records each diacritic occupies its own position, directly preceding the modified character.

In a file of records, the series of entries that contain the tag, length and starting location of each variable field in a record.

display holdings
A command to view the list of institution symbols that hold an item; use to select potential lenders in Interlibrary Loan.



embedded holdings data
Holdings information added to an existing MARC 21 bibliographic record rather than being in a separate linked holding record.

End of message character
Signals to the system that the message being sent is complete. It also marks the end of a field of data. On the screen it displays as (?).

The nonchronological scheme used by publishers to identify an individual serial and to show the relationship of the individual unit of the serial to the series as a whole. For example, Volume 235 and Volume X are indicators of enumeration.

See End of message character.



In a record, a marked area in which the same kind of information is consistently entered. Example: MARC field 245 is always the title statement in a record.

file structure
See record structure.

fill character
A black box or vertical bar in workforms that represents content that must have valid data.

fixed field
In OCLC-MARC, the field in which mnemonic labels identify elements that contain coded information for describing the item and the record. Each element has a fixed length. The fixed field is the OCLC-MARC format's combination of various MARC 21 control fields.

A standard for the representation and exchange of data in machine-readable form. Standard organization for MARC bibliographic records. The library community uses formats so that MARC records can be readily transferred among automated systems. See also record structure.

free-text field
A field in which subfields are loosely defined to permit text (rather than coded) data entry.

The interval at which a publisher distributes a serial publication.

First time use. The first time a library uses a record already in WorldCat that it did not input.

full bibliographic record
The complete display, including all fields and subfields, of a bibliographic record on one or more screens.

function keys
Keys and key combinations that transmit signals not associated with printable or displayable characters. Function keys initiate commands.



Group Access Capability. A group of institutions that use the OCLC system for resource sharing and interlibrary lending. A GAC has full and selective members. A selective user has access to only abbreviated bibliographic records, and only to records for its own group. Groups are composed of at least one Full member and may include Selective members who use OCLC ILL only. GAC can also refer to the group itself.

Group Access Capability/Union List. The same as a GAC, but a selective user also has access to Union List records for its group.

GAC agent
A Full member within a GAC group that functions as the group agent to coordinate group profiling, establish policies, and coordinate ILL protocols within the group.

general retention notes
Denotes the period for which the serial is retained or held by the location, for example, Permanently retained, Limited retention, and Not retained.

government document number
Government-assigned number for materials printed at the expense of and by the authority of any office of the government, for example, United States Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) numbers. Other government numbers may be used such as Canadian government numbers from the Outline of Classification. The form of these numbers varies.

Group Access Union List group
An OCLC Union List group in which some members are not OCLC Cataloging members and have limited access to the OCLC system and OCLC services.

group list
A display of search results retrieved by searching. Each entry represents up to 99 records. Entries are grouped by type of material and years of publication.



heading on a list
On the first line of each list or bibliographic record is a heading that describes the search and indicates the number of records retrieved. Depending on the search, the description may include database name, index labels, title phrases, keywords, numeric derived search, qualifier labels and qualifiers.

Electronic user documentation that is available from the Help menu of a specific product such as Connexion, CatME for Windows, OCLC Passport, OCLC Arabic Cataloging, etc.

Help-Revise-Return screen
The screen that displays if a keyword search retrieves 0 or more than 1,500 records.

holding library
The library or collection within an institution represented by the holding library code. See OCLC holding library code.

holding library code
See OCLC holding library code.

1) OCLC institution symbols attached to a record, indicating libraries that own the item described by the record. 2) The collective resources owned or held by the library.

holdings display
A list of OCLC symbols of institutions that hold the item. A holdings display accompanies each bibliographic record in WorldCat. See also Custom Holdings Locations record.

holdings information
The location, status and/or copies associated with a single bibliographic item of a specific publication held by a particular institution.

holdings levels
See also ANSI/NISO Standards for Holdings Data; See also Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Level 4.

holdings symbol
See OCLC holding library code.

Home position
In OCLC Passport, the top-left corner of the screen from which you send commands and edit fields.



A detailed alphabetical or numerical list. List entries represent an aspect of a bibliographic record and are organized into searchable files used to retrieve records in a database or set of records.

index label
A two- or three-character code that indicates to the system which index to match a search against.

initial article
Articles (the, an, a, and non-English articles) that are the first word in a title or corporate name.

institution level
See summary-institution holdings data.

institution symbol
See OCLC symbol.

institution summary
See summary-institution holdings data.

institution-specific file
Records accessible only to an individual institution and OCLC that have been used or will be used by the institution.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
A unique identification number assigned to a work by its publisher. Each ISBN has ten characters. The tenth character is a check character that may be a number or the letter x. In printed form, the ISBN has three hyphens. Hyphens are omitted in online records.

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
A unique identification number assigned to a serial through the ISSN Network. Each ISSN has eight characters. The eighth character is a check character that may be a number or the letter x. A hyphen follows the fourth character.



See local data record.

Level 1
ANSI/NISO standard that identifies the item at the location level. This can include the institution, the library, the physical site and/or the collection in which the item is located or from which it is available.

Level 2
ANSI/NISO standard that identifies items at the location level (Level 1) and includes record creation date, physical form, completeness, acquisition, retention information and local notes.

Level 3
ANSI/NISO standard that contains all Level 2 information and identifies the item at the summary level of chronology and/or enumeration. See also chronology; enumeration.

Level 4
ANSI/NISO standard that contains all Level 2 information and identifies the item at the detailed level of chronology and/or enumeration. See also chronology; enumeration.

local data record
The OCLC record used to contain and exchange holdings data. It can record both institution (SIHD) and copy (SCHD) holdings information. Local data records form the basis for Union List displays. LDRs cannot be added to OCLC via the batchload process. See also summary-copy holdings data , summary-institution holdings data.

local holdings format
The communications formats for representation and exchange of holdings data created at a library. It is often MARC 21 Holdings format that conforms to the ANSI/NISO standard with variations for local purposes. See also MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data; local data record.

local holdings record
The local libraries holdings record based on the local holdings format.

location record
A display of the OCLC symbols of all libraries that have used a bibliographic record in WorldCat for cataloging and have attached their OCLC symbol.



An instruction (usually a keystroke or keystroke combination) that signals the computer to perform a predefined sequence of instructions.

Main Display
The primary work area in which records are viewed. Use with the Copy Display to work with two records.

main entry
The entry determined by AACR2 to be the primary access point for the item.

MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
The format for representation and exchange of holdings data from the Library of Congress.

Machine-Readable Cataloging. An internationally acceptable standard for the exchange of bibliographic data in machine-readable form.

MARC record
Machine-Readable Cataloging record. An internationally accepted standard for the exchange of bibliographic data in machine-readable form. See also communications format.

modified record prompt
Prompt sent by the system if a record has been edited but not yet replaced or Produced. It protects users from sending commands that would cause a loss of editorial changes to the record.

An item complete in one part or a specified number of parts; compare, serial.



Name-Address Directory record
Record that contains name, address, ILL policy, and other communication information about an institution or unit of an institution. The Name-Address Directory has been replaced with the OCLC ILL Policies Directory as a repository for this type of information.

The Union List group symbol for the United States Newspaper Program.

National Information Standards Organization. Accredited by ANSI to develop voluntary technical standards for the library, information sciences, and publishing communities. See also ANSI.

NISO standards
See ANSI/NISO Standards for Holdings Data.

Nongap break
In union list holding records, an indication that no issued items are missing, but a gap exists in the publication or numbering of the serial itself. For example, a change in enumeration of the series may cause a nongap break in the enumeration.

Supply significant additional information about an item described in a bibliographic record.



Nonprofit membership organization serving libraries around the world to further access to the world's information and reduce library costs by offering services for libraries and their users.

OCLC Customer Services Division (CSD)
OCLC's user assistance and support contact desk that provides support for telecommunications, hardware, and software.

OCLC holding library code
A unique code that identifies a holding library within an institution. See also OCLC symbol.
It also identifies a holding library in a GAC or GAC/UL.

OCLC Interlibrary Loan
An OCLC resource sharing system that makes possible borrowing and lending library materials..

OCLC symbol
A unique identifier assigned by OCLC to members and participants. OCLC symbols in records and in holdings displays identify libraries that have entered and used the bibliographic record for cataloging. See also OCLC holding library code.

OCLC Union List
A service for creating, maintaining, and displaying summary holdings information for Union List group members.

OCLC User and Network Support (UNS)
See OCLC Customer Services Division (CSD).

OCLC-MARC format
OCLC's implementation of the MARC bibliographic format.

Open-ended holding
A holding statement that indicates a serial still in publication.



A sequence of characters required to gain access to a computer system. Usually used in conjunction with an authorization number. See also authorization number , default system, default holding library code.



record structure
In MARC 21 formats, record structure is the order in which the content designators and content appear in the record and/or file. Record structure can include such specifications as tape media, header, blocking techniques, and characters sets used in the record and in files. The terms record format and record structure are often used interchangeably. Record format is generally the broader term and often refers to a combination of record structure, content designation, and content of the record. See also content designation; content of the record.



See summary-copy holdings data.

selective user
An institution that is a member of a GAC or GAC/UL, but does not have online access to OCLC except through batchloading. A selective user can reflect its holdings in the database through retrospective conversion or batchloading.

Transmit data. In Passport, function keys signal the services to transmit data.

A continuing resource issued in successive discrete parts, bearing number or chronological designations, and intended to continue indefinitely. Serials include annual reports, continuing directories, electronic journals, journals, magazines, monographic series and newspapers.

Serial Union List Record
See local data record.

Serials format
OCLC-MARC format used to catalog serials. You can qualify searches to limit results to records for serials (ser).

Uniform volumes of a library resource that are related by subject matter, issued successively, and generally by the same publisher in a uniform style.

series title

The collective title of all items in a series, as opposed to each item's individual title.


Series title. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics

Title (of individual item in series). Modes in Denya Discourse

See also title.

set holdings
Institutions "set" their holdings by attaching their OCLC symbols to bibliographic records in WorldCat. Having OCLC symbols attached to a record establishes that the institution holds the item.

See summary-institution holdings data.

The smallest logical unit of information in a variable field. Subfield codes (letters or numbers) identify subfields and are preceded by a delimiter (?). A subfield ?a is implicit at the beginning of most fields, but does not display. See also delimiter.

subfield delimiter
See delimiter.

summary-copy holdings data
The field in OCLC Local Data Records that holds Level 3 information. It summarizes the holdings of the copy represented by the Local Data record. For example, copy 1 having volumes 1–3 is in the SCHD field of a Local Data Record.

summary-institution holdings data
The total holdings for a title set based on all the held copies for an institution. For example, if the library holds copy 1, volumes 1–3 and copy 2 has volumes 4–7, the summary institution holdings are v. 1–v. 7.

summary-level holdings
Holdings information about serials at the first (highest) level of enumeration and/or chronology. Summary-holdings information includes copy-specific information.


A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, appearing on an information source that names the item.
The system includes many types of titles in title indexes including uniform titles, series titles, binding titles, and spine titles. See also series title.


uniform title
Collects the publications of an author, composer, or corporate body into a unit. The unit may contain several expressions and manifestations of the work, for example, complete works, works in a particular literary or musical form, or translations into various languages for commonly known or classical works. Examples include sonatas, songs, Aesop's fables, Bible, and translations in various languages of Hamlet. Other uniform titles distinguish between different publications (usually serials) with the same titles.

union list
A catalog combining the summary holdings of more than one institution. Union List refers to the OCLC Union List service. See summary-level holdings.

Union List Agent mode
An authorization mode that allows the Union List Agent of a union list group to create and maintain local records on a member's behalf.

Union List Custom Holdings locations
A record of a preferred lender that identifies specific volumes of serials and journals held by an institution; more complete than bibliographic locations records.

Union List group
A network of libraries sharing holdings information with one another, usually for the purpose of gaining wider access to information.

Union List information
The information taken from OCLC Local Data Records that makes up other Union List displays. For example, group displays and institution displays contain Union List information.

Union List record
See local data record.

See OCLC Customer Services Division (CSD).


vendor-provided data
Information sent by the vendor in the vendor manifest that is added to the bibliographic records provided to institutions, such as barcodes, invoice numbers, invoice dates, and prices.


A template used to create an original record or local data record. The system automatically supplies some of the appropriate fields and data, depending on the format you select for the material you are cataloging.

working copy
A copy of the master record, displayed on the user's screen. When the user edits the working copy, the master record remains unchanged.

A database of more than 55 million records (as of mid-2004) for the bibliographic description of separately cataloged works from thousands of libraries (formerly called the OCLC Online Union Catalog or OLUC). WorldCat is the result of the ongoing cooperative efforts of member libraries worldwide who contribute the records. OCLC products and services that help libraries serve their users are based on WorldCat.



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