select b.promo_number,b.payment_time,b.validity_days,a.tim,b.goods_name,b.payment_time+b.validity_days from
(select max(m.send_time) tim
from tb_payment_promo_log p,tb_mobile_log m
where p.goods_id=615732 and p.user_name='ywj123'
and p.promo_number=m.operate
and p.user_name = m.user_name ) a , tb_payment_promo_log b,tb_mobile_log c
where b.goods_id=615732 and b.user_name='ywj123' and b.user_name = c.user_name and a.tim = c.send_time
order by b.payment_time desc
select t3.usid,t3.usname,t3.usarea,t3.cell from
(select t2.cellphone cell,max(t1.game_money+t1.bank_game_money) money,t1.user_id usid,t1.user_name usname,t1.user_area usarea from tb_rd_user_info t1,tb_rd_user_info2 t2
where t1.login_tim <= sysdate-7 and t1.login_tim > sysdate-8 and t1.user_id = t2.user_id and t2.cellphone is not null
group by t2.cellphone,t1.user_id,t1.user_name,t1.user_area) t3
where < 500000
posted on 2009-12-10 11:55
junly 阅读(298)
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