New Year,New Face.
with more luck ,my friends
more healthy, my parents
more confident,more sweat,and more patient,myself
less suffering,less void,less waste,myself
ps:recently,i added the counter and qq-online it so cool?
MSN Space 的新模块
『MSN PowertToy』是MSN新推出的功能,包括『Tweak UI』,『Windows Media Player』,『Custom Html』。
先说『Tweak UI』模板。
找到右边的【自定义】,然后【模块】,下拉菜单里找到并点击【PowerToy:Tweak UI】右边的【新增】。之后就可以看到新增加的『Tweak UI』模块。
『Tweak UI』模块每一栏的作用:
『Background Colors』:
『Background Image』:
『Font Color』:
『Module Background』:
『Module Borders』:
『Style』:外框样式。【solid】:实线; 【dotted】:点。【dashed】:虛线;【double】:双线;【groove】:立体內凸框;【ridge】:立体浮凸框;『Inset』:凹框;【win-inset】:win-凹框;outset:凸框。(【Width】>【5】的时候才看得出效果,否则边框太细根本看不出样式)
最后不要忘记点【SAVE】,我在『Tweak UI』里只改了两个地方:『Display』,『Text』。『Tweak UI』模块不会在预览的时候出现,所以不必担心它的位置。
再说『Windows Media Player』,解决背景音乐的添加,与以往不同,以前只能靠【IMG】用图片添加音乐,看不到音乐的进度条。现在都可以用『Windows Media Player』模块解决,而且界面好看多了。顺便回答一下某同学的问题,『MSN SPACE』中不能播放音乐辑,只能播放一首歌曲。
找到右边的【自定义】,然后【模块】,下拉菜单里找到并点击【PowerToy:Windows Media Player】右边的【新增】。之后就可以看到新增加的『Windows Media Player』模块。
『Windows Media Player』模块每一栏的作用:
『Position in sec.』:音乐开始播放的时刻,都是从头放的吧,默认【0】不需要改。
『Times to play』:播放次数,想一直放的话,改成【999】,可以连续放2天,应该够了。
『Rate to play』:播放速度,默认【1】倍速。
『Auto Start』:是否自动播放。
『Display Mode』:【Invisible】:整个播放面板不可见;【Nono】:只能看到可视化效果,操作面板不可见;【Mini】:面板可见,可以操作PLAY、STOP,但看不到进度。【Full】:面板全,可以看到进度。
『Right Click Menus』:是否允许在面板上使用右键,没什么实际用处的功能。
最后不要忘记点【SAVE】,再给『Windows Media Player』面板选一个合适位置。
最后是『Custom HTML』,解决日志置顶,以前只能手动置顶,还要特别注明不要回复此日志,却是不方便。『Custom HTML』等于是一个独立的日志,所以可以实现HTML代码,我是用来放计数器的。
找到右边的【自定义】,然后【模块】,下拉菜单里找到并点击【PowerToy:Windows Media Player】右边的【新增】。之后就可以看到新增加的『Custom HTML』模块。
『Custom HTML』模块比较简单,『Module Name』就是模块最上面一条写什么,可以打Welcome之类的话。『Show Border』是选择是否显示,那当然要显示啦。最后不要忘记点【SAVE】,把『Custom HTML』拖到最上面。
Loving You
I never have told you
How much I love you
How much I care
Loving you
So beautiful
Loving you
It's easy
'Cause you're beautiful
And loving you
It's all I wanna do
Loving you
It's more than
Just a dream come true
And everything that I do
It's out of loving you
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la la la la
do do do do
ooh aah
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me
While we grow old
And we will live
Each day in springtime
Loving you
Has made my life so beautiful
And every day of my life
It's filled with loving you
Loving you
I see your soul
Come shining through
And everything that we
I'm so in love with you
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la la la la
do do do do
ooh aah
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me
While we grow old
And we will live
Each day in springtime
Loving you
It's easy
'Cause you're beautiful
Every day of my life
It's filled with loving you
Loving you
I see your soul
Come shining through
And everything that we
I'm so in love with you
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la la la la
do do do do
ooh aah
the day before yesterday,GaoXiuMin left us because of Heart Trouble(miocardial infarction).something just like this,u never know what would happen.In the movie "The Forrest Gamp",there is a classic sentence i can not erase from my brain. Life is just like a box of chocolate,u' ll never know what u gonna got.Wish my parents and my friends health and happiness.
today,i am complete ,deeple moved by ZhangLiangYing in the superGirls live .
be strong!Com'N!
the future belongs to us!
Today,got so much by reviewing TDD.
some sentences r so
Rather than apply minutes of suspect reasoning, we can just ask the computer
by making the change and running the tests. In teaching TDD I see this situation
all the time—excellent programmers spending 5-10 minutes reasoning about a
question that can be answered by the computer in 15 seconds.Without the tests you
have no choice, you have to reason.
