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Recently come across yet another SQL statement that required me to check if the denomiator is 0, otherwise the statement returns a devide by zero error.

Naturally, if this was the statement:

SELECT Expression1/Expression2 FROM Table1

You would do something like:

SELECT Expression1/(CASE Expression2=0 THEN XX ELSE Expression2 END) FROM Table1

This might be OK if Expression2 is small, however a better way I discovered is to use a combination of ISNULL and NULLIF
Then it would look like:

SELECT Expression1/ ISNULL( NULLIF(Expression2,0), XX) FROM Table1

Note: you can set the XX to be either NULL or 1 or something else depending on the application of this statement.

posted on 2009-06-03 23:51 蜘蛛 阅读(224) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: SharePoint

