@import url(http://www.blogjava.net/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/css/cuteeditor.css);
IDE Settings
IDE settings are stored in the dedicated directories under the product home directory, depending on the platform. The product home directory name is composed of the product name and version.
For IntelliJ IDEA Community edition the folder name is .IdeaICXX.
For example:
- Windows
- <User home>\.IntelliJIdeaXX\config that contains user-specific settings.
- <User home>\.IntelliJIdeaXX\system that stores IntelliJ IDEA data caches.
<User home> in WindowsXP is C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\; in Windows Vista it is C:\Users\<User name>\
- Linux
- ~/.IntelliJIdeaXX/config that contains user-specific settings.
- ~/.IntelliJIdeaXX/system that stores IntelliJ IDEA data caches.
- Mac OS
- ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX contains the catalog with plugins.
- ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX contains the rest of the configuration settings.
- ~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdeaXX contains data caches, logs, local history, etc. These files can be quite significant in size.
- 9.0+~/Library/Logs/IntelliJIdeaXX contains logs
The config directory has several subfolders that contain xml files with your personal settings. You can easily share your preferred keymaps, color schemes, etc. by copying these files into the corresponding folders on another IntelliJ IDEA installation. Prior to copying, make sure that IntelliJ IDEA is not running, because it can erase the newly transferred files before shutting down.
The following is the list of some of the subfolders under the config folder, and the settings contained therein.
Locations of the Config, System, and Plugins directories can be modified in IntelliJ IDEA_home\bin\idea.properties file.
You will need to adjust the following parameters:
- idea.config.path
- idea.system.path
- idea.plugins.path
Increasing productivity
To increase productivity of IntelliJ IDEA, you can change settings that reside in the following locations (depending on your operating system):
Example. increasing heap size
For example, to increase IntelliJ IDEA heap size, you should copy the original .vmoptions file from /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/bin/idea.vmoptions to~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX/idea.vmoptions, then modify the -Xmx setting.
For the older versions, the settings are stored in:
/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/Info.plist
Managing case of unicode literals
IntelliJ IDEA allows defining whether non-ascii characters should use literals like '\u00AB' or '\00ab'.
This behavior is controlled by the system property idea.native2ascii.lowercase. By default, upper case characters are used.
If it is desirable to use lower case characters, do the following (depending on your platform)
- 12.0+On Windows and *NIX: add the line
to the bin/idea.properties file, located under the product installation.
- On Mac OS:
Copy the file /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/bin/idea.properties to ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX/, open it for editing, and add the line
It is essential to create a copy, since the settings are replaced rather than added.
For the older versions of IntelliJ IDEA, open for editing the file /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/Info.plist, and add the following code:
to the section <key>Properties</key> <dict> ... <dict>
To change IDEA running JDK, set <JVMVersion>
to 1.7*
in /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 13.app/Contents/Info.plist
VM arguments settings: