Hi I am currently re-developing a web based front end for an estate agent to manage their propertys. I have decided to use a Microsoft.XMLHTTP object to communicate between the client and server. My problem is got to do with sending a file with this. The client is composed of the usual GUI components which the data can be easily retrieved from for sending to the server but it also contains a file element for selecting a picture of the property to be uploaded. How do I get the data from this so that it can be uploaded to the server using the Microsoft.XMLHTTP object. I have found a bit of code on the net but it is no use to me because it would involve changing the security in "Internet Options" which I have no control over.
<INPUT id=btn_send name="btn_send" type=button value="FILE SEND">
<DIV id=div_message>Ready</DIV>
// files upload function
function btn_send.onclick()
// create ADO-stream Object
var ado_stream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
// create XML document with default header and primary node
var xml_dom = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
xml_dom.loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" ?> <root/>');
// specify namespaces datatypes
xml_dom.documentElement.setAttribute("xmlns:dt", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes");
// create a new node and set binary content
var l_node1 = xml_dom.createElement("file1");
l_node1.dataType = "bin.base64";
// open stream object and read source file
ado_stream.Type = 1; // 1=adTypeBinary
// store file content into XML node
l_node1.nodeTypedValue = ado_stream.Read(-1); // -1=adReadAll
// we can create more XML nodes for multiple file upload
// send XML documento to Web server
var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
// show server message in message-area
div_message.innerHTML = xmlhttp.ResponseText;