Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
- W(p)GtR is a cartoon book which teaches Ruby. This project houses the Ruby, YAML and Textile code that the book is written in.
Posted on Saturday 12 August 2006
Here is a list of all the Ruby on Rails presentations that I have bookmarked.
Creating a weblog in 15 minutes
- For me, this is the video that started it all.
Snakes and Rubbies: Complete
- “On December 3, 2005, Ruby and Python developers from Chicago and vicinity gathered at DePaul University to hear two of the leaders in rapid Web-application development debate the merits of each other’s frameworks.”
Snakes and Rubbies: Persuing beauty with Ruby on Rail
- “On December 3, 2005, Ruby and Python developers from Chicago and vicinity gathered at DePaul University to hear two of the leaders in rapid Web-application development debate the merits of each other’s frameworks.”
RailsConf 2006 Keynote Series: Dave Thomas
- Dave Thomas, author of Agile Web Development with Rails and the pick axe book, challenges the Rails community.
David Heinemeier Hansson RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address
- Discovering a world of Resources on rails. PDF is available
Martin Fowler RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address
- Martin Fowler talks about good software design, simplicity, conversational software development, and postmodern programming.
Paul Graham RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address
- IMHO the best presentation to come out of RailsConf 2006! Paul Graham is a great speaker/writer. In this presentation Paul Graham contradicts the Old Testament and Yoda.
Rails Core Panel Discussion
- a Q/A panel discussion with the rails core developers.
Ruby on Rails for the Flex Developer
- An introductory presentation on Ruby on Rails by Stuart Eccles.
Ruby on Rails Ruby Conf ‘04
- Ruby on Rails Origin Drive Destination presentation given by David Heinemeier Hansson at Ruby Conf ‘04.
10 Things Java Should Steal from Ruby
- “In this presentation, given at TheServerSide Java Symposium Barcelona in June, Bruce Tate looks at how Java developers, framework designers, and language designers can learn from the capabilities of Ruby to improve Java.”
AJAX on Rails Presentation
- Presentation material put together by Stuart Halloway and Justin Gehtland of Relevance LLC.
Get to the Point!
- Nice slides on Development with Ruby on Rails.
Agile Web Development with Rails(DHH)
一个家伙Eiffel Qiu谈了谈Rails,感谢这个家伙(Eiffel Qiu)。
Oreilly都出版了Ruby的书籍 Ruby in Nutshell
The Ruby way