Posted on 2009-04-08 09:40
ZhouFeng 阅读(667)
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Exception in JSP: /eWebEditor.jsp:54
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/dom4j/xpath/DefaultXPath
The error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/dom4j/xpath/DefaultXPath" underlines important changes to the dom4j XML library. It usually happens when you try to call this library's methods in runtime. Older versions that shipped with JBoss used to include Jaxen, but for whatever reason, it is no longer included. Users must download dom4j.jar (now at version 1.6.1) and then jaxen-full.jar (FCS-1.0). Now how to resolve this problem is tricky:
1. Put dom4j-1.3.jar in {jboss}/lib. This version is known good.
2. Put dom4j-1.6.1.jar and jaxen-full.jar in {jboss}/server/default/lib. Remove the old dom4j JARs that may exist in that directory.
The reason the newer version cannot be used with JBoss is unknown, but it does not work. The older version is used when reading JBoss-specific config files. The newer version of dom4j kicks in when the default server is initialized. This allows development of applications using newer versions of the XML API.