// Copies all files under srcDir to dstDir.
// If dstDir does not exist, it will be created.
public void copyDirectory(File srcDir, File dstDir) throws IOException {
if (srcDir.isDirectory()) {
if (!dstDir.exists()) {
String[] children = srcDir.list();
for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
copyDirectory(new File(srcDir, children[i]),
new File(dstDir, children[i]));
} else {
// This method is implemented in
e1071 Copying a File
copyFile(srcDir, dstDir);
版权声明 版权所有 @zhyiwww
引用请注明来源 http://www.blogjava.net/zhyiwww
posted on 2006-06-13 11:37
zhyiwww 阅读(262)
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