Said another way, let's say I have a value stack that consists of a
model and an action as follows:
[ model, action ]
here's how the following ognl would resolve:
[0] - a CompoundRoot object that contains our stack, [model, action]
[1] - another CompoundRoot that contains only [action]
[0].toString() - calls toString() on the first object in the value stack (excluding the CompoundRoot) that supports the toString() method
[1].foo - call getFoo() on the first object in the value stack starting from [OS:action] and excluding the CompoundRoot that supports a getFoo() method
以上是webwork文档中谈到Value Stack部分.看了有些晦涩,我试验了下,与大家分享.(没看源代码)

public class HomeAction implements Action
private String name= "propertyOfAction";
private Person person=null;
private Collection collection = new ArrayList();

public String execute() throws Exception
collection.add(new Person("zkj"));
collection.add(new Person("yql"));
return SUCCESS;

public String getName()
return name;

public Person getPerson()
return person;

public Collection getCollection()
return collection;

public void setPerson(Person person)
this.person = person;
<ww:property value="[0]"/> 输出
<ww:property value="[1]"/> 输出[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@d402dd]
一般我们在没有循环的情况下不用[0] [1] 可以直接访问
<ww:property value="name"/>输出 propertyOfAction
那么[0] [1] 有什么用呢,在循环中就体现出来了.
<ww:iterator value="collection" status="person">
<ww:if test="#person.first == true">
[0] :<ww:property value="[0]"/></br>
[1] :<ww:property value="[1]"/></br>
[2] :<ww:property value="[2]"/></br>
</ww:iterator> [0] :[com.founder.Person@b3a5a0, com.founder.HomeAction@e3ffdf, com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@d402dd]
[1] :[com.founder.HomeAction@e3ffdf, com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@d402dd]
[2] :[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@d402dd]
假如你用webworkNOUI标签,对于Value Stack,一般你不要考虑[1] [0]之类的.记住一点