Posted on 2009-03-12 17:15
Neil's NoteBook 阅读(271)
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create temporary tablespace TEMP2 TEMPFILE '/home2/oracle/oradata/sysmon/temp02.dbf' SIZE 512M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 640K MAXSIZE UNLIMITED; --创建中转临时表空间
alter database default temporary tablespace temp2; --改变缺省临时表空间 为刚刚创建的新临时表空间temp2
drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;--删除原来临时表空间
create temporary tablespace TEMP TEMPFILE '/home2/oracle/oradata/sysmon/temp01.dbf' SIZE 512M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 640K MAXSIZE UNLIMITED; --重新创建临时表空间
alter database default temporary tablespace temp; --重置缺省临时表空间为新建的temp表空间
drop tablespace temp2 including contents and datafiles;--删除中转用临时表空间