Posted on 2009-05-22 16:30
Neil's NoteBook 阅读(158)
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update da_jbxx j set j.sssx_id = (
select from da_sssxe e
where e.nsrdzdah = j.nsrdzdah
and e.sssq_q = j.sssq_q
and e.sssq_z = j.sssq_z
and e.dm2 = j.dm2
and j.dazt_dm < '100'
--更新多用途一次性资料 不带所属时期条件
update da_jbxx j set j.sssx_id = (
select from da_sssxe e
where e.nsrdzdah = j.nsrdzdah
--and e.sssq_q = j.sssq_q
--and e.sssq_z = j.sssq_z
and e.dm2 = j.dm2
and j.dm2 = '0000'
where j.dm2 = '0000';