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12:52:31,162  INFO Logger:51 - Logging using commons-logging.
12:52:31,287  INFO DWRServlet:51 - retrieved system configuration file: weblogic.utils.zip.SafeZipFileInputStream@2453319
12:52:31,334  INFO DefaultConfiguration:51 - Creator 'jsf' not loaded due to NoClassDefFoundError. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it. Cause: javax/faces/el/ValueBinding (jsf-api.jar)
12:52:31,349  INFO DefaultConfiguration:51 - Creator 'pageflow' not loaded due to ClassNotFoundException. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it. Cause: Beehive/Weblogic Creator not available. (可以不用理会)
12:52:31,349  INFO DefaultConfiguration:51 - Creator 'script' not loaded due to NoClassDefFoundError. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it. Cause: org/apache/bsf/BSFException (bsf-2.3.0.jar)
12:52:31,412  INFO DefaultConfiguration:51 - Converter 'jdom' not loaded due to NoClassDefFoundError. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it. Cause: org/jdom/Document  (jdom-1.0.jar)
12:52:31,443  INFO DefaultConfiguration:51 - Converter 'hibernate' not loaded due to ClassNotFoundException. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it. Cause: Failed to find either org.hibernate.Hibernate or net.sf.hibernate.Hibernate (hibernate-3.0.1.jar ).
12:52:31,459  INFO DefaultConverterManager:51 - Type 'org.jdom.Document' is not convertable due to missing converter 'jdom'. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.
12:52:31,459  INFO DefaultConverterManager:51 - Type 'org.jdom.Element' is not convertable due to missing converter 'jdom'. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.


13:20:43,131  WARN DefaultConverterManager:59 - Missing type info for save_yhsj(0<0>). Assuming this is a map with String keys. Please add to <signatures> in dwr.xml
13:20:43,131  WARN DefaultConverterManager:59 - Missing type info for save_yhsj(0<1>). Assuming this is a map with String keys. Please add to <signatures> in dwr.xml
13:20:43,146  INFO ExecuteQuery:51 - Exec[0]: FyglImpl.save_yhsj()

function saveSjjl(){
   var param=new Object();
    callback:function(str) {
     $('saveSjjl').disabled = true;
      errorHandler:function(message) { alert("Oops: " + message); }
public void save_yhsj(Map param) {}
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.fygl.implement.FyglImpl;
    FyglImpl.save_yhsj(Map<String,String> param);
posted on 2008-09-05 13:07 飞飞 阅读(2843) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏


# re: dwr使用中BUG一览[未登录] 2016-06-16 10:39 cz
import java.util.Map;
import com.fygl.implement.FyglImpl;
FyglImpl.save_yhsj(Map<String,String> param);
这个解决办法可以说的详细一点吗  回复  更多评论

# re: dwr使用中BUG一览[未登录] 2016-06-16 10:45 cz
Missing type info for userLogin(0<0>). Assuming this is a map with String keys. Please add to <signatures> in dwr.xml
Missing type info for userLogin(0<1>). Assuming this is a map with String keys. Please add to <signatures> in dwr.xml
我也又出现这个问题,看不懂你的解释  回复  更多评论

