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Converting data from Java to ActionScript
Java type ActionScript type (AMF 3)
java.lang.String String
java.lang.Boolean, boolean Boolean
java.lang.Integer int
If i < 0xF0000000 || i > 0x0FFFFFFF, the value is promoted to Number.
java.lang.Short int
If i < 0xF0000000 || i > 0x0FFFFFFF, the value is promoted to Number.
java.lang.Byte int
If i < 0xF0000000 || i > 0x0FFFFFFF, the value is promoted to Number.
java.lang.Byte[] flash.utils.ByteArray
java.lang.Double Number
java.lang.Long Number
java.lang.Float Number
java.lang.Character String
java.lang.Character[] String
java.util.Calendar Date
Dates are sent in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. Clients and servers must adjust time accordingly for time zones.
java.util.Date Date
Dates are sent in the UTC time zone. Clients and servers must adjust time accordingly for time zones.
java.lang.Object (other than previously listed types) Typed Object
Objects are serialized using Java Bean introspection rules. Fields that are static, transient, or nonpublic are excluded.
java.util.Collection mx.collection.ArrayCollection
java.lang.Object[] Array
java.util.Map Object (untyped)
In Flex 1.5, java.util.Map was sent as an associative or ECMA Array. This is no longer a recommended practice. You can enable legacy Map support to associative Arrays, but Adobe recommends against doing this. For more information, see Providing legacy AMF serialization on a channel
java.util.Dictionary Object (untyped)
org.w3c.dom.Document XML object
You can enable legacy XML support for the XMLDocument type on any channel defined in the services-config.xml file. For more information, see Providing legacy AMF serialization on a channel.
null null
Other classes that extend java.lang.Object Object (typed)
Objects are serialized using Java Bean introspection rules. Fields that are static, transient, or nonpublic are excluded.
posted on 2007-04-11 13:02 ☜♥☞MengChuChen 阅读(960) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: flex2.0

# re: Java ActionScript
2007-10-16 11:01 | 雁过无痕
一直再找一个自动转换Java Class为ActionScript Class的工具,可惜没有找到  回复  更多评论

