Spring IDE Guide ¶
From: http://springide.org/project/wiki/SpringideGuide
To start working with Spring IDE you need a SpringProject. A SpringProject can be created by adding the SpringProjectNature to an existing project or by creating a new Spring project with the SpringProjectWizard.
- select open project nodes in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
- activate context menu item "Add Spring Project Nature" on selected projects
- once the nature is added, these projects are now decorated with a small 'S' in the upper right corner (overwriting other decorators, e.g. Java project decorator 'J')
- to remove the nature, right click the project and select "Remove Spring Project Nature"
See also: SpringProject, SpringProjectNature
- open the wizard selection dialog via the menu "File / New / Project..."
- select the wizard "Spring IDE / New Spring Project"
- enter the project name
- (optionally) modify the comma-separated list of supported BeansConfig file extensions (default is "xml")
- if you don't need a Java project then deselect the checkbox "Create a Java project"
- for a Java project you can change the project's settings (source / classes folder, classpath, libraries, ...) on the next dialog page
See also: SpringProject
Add references to other Spring projects (optional) ¶
- open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
- select the properties page "Project References" from the list on the left side
- enable all Spring project(s) containing Spring Beans config files which are referenced from within this project via Spring Beans config sets (defined later on)
See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet
- open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
- select the properties page "Spring Beans" from the list on the left side
- (optionally) modify the comma-separated list of supported BeansConfig file extensions (default is "xml")
- use the button "Add..." to open a selector dialog providing a list of all files with the specified extensions in your Spring project and select the corresponding Spring BeansConfig files
- once the config files are selected the corresponding files are decorated with a small 'S' in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
See also: BeansProjectProperties?, BeansConfig
Create Spring BeansConfig file sets (optional) ¶
- open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
- select the properties page "Spring Beans" from the list on the left side
- select the second tab labeled "Config Sets"
- use the button "New..." to open a dialog for creating a new config set with a selection of all config files (added in the previous step) belonging to this config set
- define a unique name for the config set
- activate the checkbox "Enable bean override" if multiple beans with the same ID should be overidden by the last bean (used by the BeansConfigValidator only -> if activated then bean overriding is not treated as validation error)
- activate the checkbox "Is incomplete" if this config set does not contain all beans which are referenced by other beans defined in this config set (used by the BeansConfigValidator only -> if activated then unresolved bean references are not treated as validation errors)
- externally defined config files (as described in section "Add references to other Spring projects") are decorated with a small blue arrow)
- use the buttons "Move Up" and "Move Down" to change the order of the config files within the config set (important for bean overriding)
See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet, BeansConfigValidator
- select from within any of the added Spring BeansConfig files opened in an Eclipse editor the menu item "Navigate/Show In/Spring Beans"
- once the menu item is selected the Spring BeansView is opened and the corresponding Spring BeansConfig file is selected in the view's model
- double-clicking on certain entries in the Spring BeansView (bean, property or constructor argument) navigates to the corresponding location in the config file
- by selecting the corresponding toolbar actions the BeansView supports alphabetical sorting and syncing with the BeansXmlEditor
See also: BeansView, BeansConfig, BeansXmlEditor
- after modifying and saving any of the added Spring BeansConfig files from within an open Eclipse editor this config is automatically validated by Spring IDE
- for any error occured during validation a problem marker is created and listed in Eclipse's problem view
See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigValidator
- right-clicking on certain entries in the Spring BeansView (config, config set or bean) opens a read-only editor showing a graph with all beans referenced by the selected view entry
See also: BeansView, BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet, BeansGraph
Search for Spring Beans ¶
- open the search dialog via the "Search / Search..." menu
- select the tab "Spring Beans Search" to switch to the BeansSearch dialog
See also: BeansSearch
AddNature.png (55.5 kB) -
added screenshoot
, added by tjuerge on 07/16/05 16:14:33.
NatureAdded.png (11.3 kB) -
added screenshoot
, added by tjuerge on 07/16/05 16:14:44.
ProjectReference.png (67.9 kB) -
added screenshoot
, added by tjuerge on 07/16/05 16:36:31.
BeansView1.png (107.8 kB) -
added screen shoot
, added by tjuerge on 07/16/05 18:23:19.
SpringProjectWizardSelection.png (25.5 kB) -
Screenshoot of wizard selection dialog
, added by tjuerge on 04/04/06 22:53:39.
SpringProjectWizard.png (51.3 kB) -
Screenshoot of Spring project wizard
, added by tjuerge on 04/04/06 22:56:07.
BeansSearch.png (178.1 kB) -
Screenshoot of Spring Beans search dialog
, added by tjuerge on 04/04/06 23:21:51.
AddConfigFiles2.png (80.9 kB) -
Spring project properties dialog with Add BeansConfig dialog
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:24:35.
AddConfigFiles1.png (74.7 kB) -
Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfig tab
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:25:05.
AddConfigFiles3.png (31.0 kB) -
Package explorer with decorated BeansConfig files
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:26:00.
CreateConfigSets1.png (106.0 kB) -
Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfigSet tab
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:42:41.
CreateConfigSets2.png (49.5 kB) -
Create new BeansConfigSet dialog
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:43:18.
CreateConfigSets3.png (114.8 kB) -
Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfigSet tab
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:44:37.
BeansView2.png (211.8 kB) -
Editor and Beans View
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 00:52:00.
ConfigValidator.png (200.6 kB) -
Editor with problem markers and problem view
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 01:09:40.
BeansGraph.png (155.8 kB) -
BeansGraph with outline view
, added by tjuerge on 04/24/06 01:13:27.