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Spring IDE Guide

From: http://springide.org/project/wiki/SpringideGuide 

To start working with Spring IDE you need a SpringProject. A SpringProject can be created by adding the SpringProjectNature to an existing project or by creating a new Spring project with the SpringProjectWizard.

Add SpringProject nature

  • select open project nodes in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
  • activate context menu item "Add Spring Project Nature" on selected projects

added screenshoot

  • once the nature is added, these projects are now decorated with a small 'S' in the upper right corner (overwriting other decorators, e.g. Java project decorator 'J')

added screenshoot

  • to remove the nature, right click the project and select "Remove Spring Project Nature"

See also: SpringProject, SpringProjectNature

Create new SpringProject

  • open the wizard selection dialog via the menu "File / New / Project..."

Screenshoot of wizard selection dialog

  • select the wizard "Spring IDE / New Spring Project"

Screenshoot of Spring project wizard

  • enter the project name
  • (optionally) modify the comma-separated list of supported BeansConfig file extensions (default is "xml")
  • if you don't need a Java project then deselect the checkbox "Create a Java project"
  • for a Java project you can change the project's settings (source / classes folder, classpath, libraries, ...) on the next dialog page

See also: SpringProject

Add references to other Spring projects (optional)

  • open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
  • select the properties page "Project References" from the list on the left side
  • enable all Spring project(s) containing Spring Beans config files which are referenced from within this project via Spring Beans config sets (defined later on)

added screenshoot

See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet

Add Spring BeansConfig files

  • open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
  • select the properties page "Spring Beans" from the list on the left side

Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfig tab

  • (optionally) modify the comma-separated list of supported BeansConfig file extensions (default is "xml")
  • use the button "Add..." to open a selector dialog providing a list of all files with the specified extensions in your Spring project and select the corresponding Spring BeansConfig files

Spring project properties dialog with Add BeansConfig dialog

  • once the config files are selected the corresponding files are decorated with a small 'S' in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer

Package explorer with decorated BeansConfig files

See also: BeansProjectProperties?, BeansConfig

Create Spring BeansConfig file sets (optional)

  • open a Spring project's properties dialog from the context menu in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer
  • select the properties page "Spring Beans" from the list on the left side
  • select the second tab labeled "Config Sets"

Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfigSet tab

  • use the button "New..." to open a dialog for creating a new config set with a selection of all config files (added in the previous step) belonging to this config set
    • define a unique name for the config set
    • activate the checkbox "Enable bean override" if multiple beans with the same ID should be overidden by the last bean (used by the BeansConfigValidator only -> if activated then bean overriding is not treated as validation error)
    • activate the checkbox "Is incomplete" if this config set does not contain all beans which are referenced by other beans defined in this config set (used by the BeansConfigValidator only -> if activated then unresolved bean references are not treated as validation errors)
    • externally defined config files (as described in section "Add references to other Spring projects") are decorated with a small blue arrow)

Create new BeansConfigSet dialog

  • use the buttons "Move Up" and "Move Down" to change the order of the config files within the config set (important for bean overriding)

Spring project properties dialog with BeansConfigSet tab

See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet, BeansConfigValidator

Open Spring BeansView

  • select from within any of the added Spring BeansConfig files opened in an Eclipse editor the menu item "Navigate/Show In/Spring Beans"

added screen shoot

  • once the menu item is selected the Spring BeansView is opened and the corresponding Spring BeansConfig file is selected in the view's model

Editor and Beans View

  • double-clicking on certain entries in the Spring BeansView (bean, property or constructor argument) navigates to the corresponding location in the config file
  • by selecting the corresponding toolbar actions the BeansView supports alphabetical sorting and syncing with the BeansXmlEditor

See also: BeansView, BeansConfig, BeansXmlEditor

Validate Spring BeansConfig file

  • after modifying and saving any of the added Spring BeansConfig files from within an open Eclipse editor this config is automatically validated by Spring IDE
  • for any error occured during validation a problem marker is created and listed in Eclipse's problem view

Editor with problem markers and problem view

See also: BeansConfig, BeansConfigValidator

Open Spring BeansGraph

  • right-clicking on certain entries in the Spring BeansView (config, config set or bean) opens a read-only editor showing a graph with all beans referenced by the selected view entry

BeansGraph with outline view

See also: BeansView, BeansConfig, BeansConfigSet, BeansGraph

Search for Spring Beans

  • open the search dialog via the "Search / Search..." menu
  • select the tab "Spring Beans Search" to switch to the BeansSearch dialog

Screenshoot of Spring Beans search dialog

See also: BeansSearch


posted on 2006-04-25 15:10 冰雨 阅读(687) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: OpenSourceSpring


