Sun公司一名员工自己创作的歌,关于Java EE 5,很有意思的一首歌,程序员业余生活也可以这么丰富!


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Java EE 5!

One, two, three, four, five
There's a technology I use day and night
For my application with a web frontend
They told me to use .Net
But I really don´t wanna

So many bugs I fixed last week.
My code is neat and talk is a cheap
I like Glassfish, JSF, persistence API
And as I continue you know they´re gettin´ sweeter

So what can I do I really beg you my Lord
To me codin' it´s just like a sport
All the bad code from the past, let me dump it
Please set in the trumpet

A little bit of injection in my life
A little bit of persistence by my side
A little bit of NetBeans is all I need
A little bit of EJB's what I see
A little bit of standards in the sun
A little bit of XML all night long
A little bit web services here I am
A little bit of code makes me real man

This is Java EE 5!

Jump up and down and move your code around
Shake your head to the sound bury bad code under ground
Move one step left and one step right
One to the front and one to the side
Refactor it once and refactor it twice
If it looks like this you're doin´ it right

A little bit of injection in my life
A little bit of persistence by my side
A little bit of NetBeans is all I need
A little bit of EJB's is what I see
A little bit of standards in the sun
A little bit of XML all night long
A little bit web services here I am
A little bit of code makes me real man

This is Java EE 5!

版权所有 罗明
posted on 2006-06-30 08:40 罗明 阅读(3644) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JavaNews
  • # re: 程序员自创的一首歌 - "Java EE 5"
    Posted @ 2006-06-30 09:12
    yp snet me the link

    hehe, another parody of bimbo number 5.

    love this one.  回复  更多评论   
  • # re: 程序员自创的一首歌 - "Java EE 5"
    Posted @ 2006-06-30 10:43

    They told me to use .Net
    But I really don´t wanna

    hehe ,so right!

      回复  更多评论   


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