BISLCSS - FYP team from University of Macau

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Proposal which will be sumbitted next Friday was discussed tonight. following are the parts included:

Background – nutrition

Objective – why we do it

Function (System Architecture)
1.-          record daily diet
-          record daily workout
-          calculate the trends



- warn some cannot eat

- Comparison foods

       - Medicine notify

       - Food suggestion


3. to restaurant

- know frequently order

- Restaurants update their own database


Problem of existing systems

-          database is limited

-          can only calculate on the PDA, cannot connect to server

-          do not have warning(do not eat it), recommendation (comparison), and alert(aim to medicine and some schedule)


-          data is hard to quantified

1.  forget to record

2.  hard to record (when too many people eat the same …)

3.  hard to be properly

-          restaurant may not update database frequently

-          PDA must assess to internet, or internet-enable

each group member is in charge of one part. we will finish the draft on Wed. meeting will be held for the modification of proposal.

posted on 2006-09-12 01:25 BISLCSS 阅读(271) 评论(5)  编辑  收藏


# re: Proposal 2006-09-13 18:58 Luke
There are several unanswered questions:
1) What is your objective? Healthier? How? Fat people eat less, thin
people eat less and people with certain diseases that need nutrition
2) What are the major problems of existing PDA health advisor programs?
3) How do you make this program being generally adopted by general
users? restaurants? food suppliers or even the government? Easier to
use? more functions? Friendly interfaces?
4) What are the things that you plan to do in these two semesters? Data
collection? Questionnaires about what?

Please break down the paragraph neatly.... each paragraph should be
self-contained. That is, only express ONE idea in one paragraph. Do
not be greedy. This is the general writing style. Again, go to our FYP
homepage and read references from Purdue. For about an hour, you will
greatly improve.

Luke  回复  更多评论

# re: Proposal 2006-09-13 20:02 BISLCSS
I have uploaded the problem part!

sean  回复  更多评论

# re: Proposal 2006-09-13 20:12 CRYSTAL
no, DR.LIN, U misundertood what i wanted. i want what u send to kevin, not this. please upload it again. thx.
BTW: Meeting will be held on 10:00. location will be informed later.  回复  更多评论

# re: Proposal 2006-09-13 21:04 CRYSTAL
hi, guys, there comes an idea. does restaurant can broadcast their promotions through our app????   回复  更多评论

# re: Proposal 2006-09-13 22:39 sylvia

When people become hurt or ill, our first thought is immediately turn to medication, hoping for relief of our symptoms, who would seldom consider that the actual serious culprits are their poor lifestyle habits. As Dr. Mark Nelson reported in the American Journal of Hypertension, saying that “42% of patients with hypertension could get off their medication if they would follow simple lifestyle changes.”

So, what can we do in order to achieve healthy lifestyle?
1. A healthy diet
2. A modest exercise program
The most important one is to have a healthy diet, which is because thousands of studies have shown what we eat has a substantial effect on our overall health, and diet is closely related with the risk of having many diseases, such as diabetes, blood pressure, fatty, and other chronic degenerative diseases.

According to recent researches, more and more people begin to pay more attention to their health based on diet and nutrition. However, as the knowledge of nutrition is complex, some people come to dietitian for advices, and some choose to purchase nutrition supplements existing in the market. But, both of them are expensive and incontinent. As long as the changes of people’s attitudes toward food, restaurants and food supplier should also make corresponding changes.

Our proposed system is a PDA system. It is a portable, internet-enabled nutrition advisor, which can be used to keep track of user’s diet and workout history, generate warnings of harmful food based on users’ body information, and create periodic health reports. Also, this system will benefit restaurant and food suppliers, who are also our users, that they could retrieve customer order data for commercial usage.

This system will give nutrition advices from a balancing healthy diet perspective, which is observing comprehensive useful nutrition facts from various kinds of foods, and disputing all the harmful effects by calculating users’ personal health information.
Those calculating regulations comes from our analysis of standard academic nutrition formulas, they are:
1. BMI (body mass index)
2. Human Daily Calories Needs
3. Suggested Nutrition Facts Daily Needs
And the healthy diet habit advices are based on standard academic nutrition rules, they are:
1. Food Pyramid
2. RDA (recommended dietary allowances)
3. Diseases and medication food constraints

Our database comes from USDA (US government), FEHD (HK government), Supermarkets, Restaurants and Major Food Suppliers, who have high reliabilities, that user can use our system contentedly.
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