今天看到了这位朋友的文章: 表格拖动(改进加原创) , 写的很不错, 试了一下无法在 FireFox 下运行, 想起来已经是 Google 雇员的 Emil A Eklund 好像已经写过了一个使用非常简单的类似组件, 兼容 IE 和 FireFox, 找到了它, 给大家推荐一下:
这些英文写的很浅显, 随便看看用起来就 OK 了.
还看到同志们关于 Firefox 中没有定义 event 对象讨论的热火朝天, 但是 Emil 兄弟早就做了一些这方面的工作, 我需要的就是拿来用, 请浏览:
http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/ieemu/ FF 下的 IE API 模拟.
When it comes to DHTML Mozilla might be less powerful than IE4 but when it comes to JavaScript it just kicks ass. The first time a saw a setter being used with a prototype of the built-in HTMLElement constructor I was just blown away. One of my first thought at that time was that this was exactly what I needed to start emulating the IE DHTML Object Model for Mozilla.
The goal of this article is to emulate a lot of IE behaviors to work in Mozilla, both to make old IE specific scripts work in Mozilla but also to make it easier to create new scripts that work in both IE5 and Mozilla. The article is actually going to be a series of smaller articles, each one concentrating on a small part of the emulation.
