In general the OO style is to use a lot of little objects with a lot of little methods that give us a lot of plug points for overriding and variation. To do is to be -Nietzsche, To bei is to do -Kant, Do be do be do -Sinatra
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pegged exchange rate 固定汇率/联系汇率
offset 抵消/补偿
lognormal distribution : 对数正态分布
lognormal diffusion : 对数正态扩散
derivative instrument : 衍生品
derivatives desks : 衍生品业务
derivatives market : 衍生品市场
premium : 额外费用/保险费
arbitrage :套利
credit limit: 信用限额
credit-equivalent amount/factor: 信用等值数额/系数
depreciate: 贬值,降价
appreciate: 增值,涨价
stochastic: 随机的
interest rate: 利率
lognormal distribution: 对数正态分布
normal distribution: 正态分布
pegged exchange rate: 联系汇率
devaluation: 货币贬值
volatility: 变化率
interp: 插值函数
Principal: 本金、资本
posted on 2011-09-05 22:52 DLevin 阅读(787) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 金融知识

