- Semaphore(信号量)
- CountDownLatch(闭锁)
有n个Task,它们执行完成后需要执行另外一个收尾的Task(Aggregated Task),比如在做Report计算中,有n个Report要计算,而在所有Report计算完成后需要生成一个基于所有Report结果的一个总的Report,而这个总的Report需要等到所有Report计算出结果后才能开始,此时就可以定义一个CountDownLatch,其初始值是n,在总的Report计算前调用CountDownLatch的await方法等待其他Report执行完成,而其他Report在完成后都会调用CountDownLatch中的countDown方法。
- CyclicBarrier(关卡)
- Exchanger(交换者)
Java Core系列之ConcurrentHashMap实现(JDK 1.7)》一文中已经详细讲述了ConcurrentHashMap的实现,我们都知道ConcurrentHashMap的实现是基于Segment的,它内部包含了多个Segment,因而它内部的锁是基于Segment而不是整个Map,从而减小了锁的粒度,提升了性能。而这种分段锁不仅仅在HashMap用到。
Java Core系列之HashMap实现》),如果我们将链表作为一个资源单位(这里的链表资源和上述的数据库连接资源是不一样的,对数据库连接每个线程只需要拿到任意一个Connection实例即可,而这里的链表资源则是不同链表是不一样的,因而对每个操作,我们需要获取特定的链表,然后对链表以线程安全的方式操作,因为这里多个线程会对同一个链表同时操作),那么为了保证对各个单独链表操作的线程安全(如HashMap的put操作,不考虑rehash的情况,有些其他操作需要更大粒度的线程安全,比如contains等),其中一种简单的实现方式是为每条链表关联一个锁,对每条链表的读写操作使用其关联锁即可。然而如果链表很多,就需要使用很多锁,会消耗很多资源,虽然它的锁粒度最小,并发性很高。然而如果各个链表之间没有很高的并发性,我们就可以让多个链表共享一个锁以减少锁的使用量,虽然增大了锁的粒度,但是如果这些链表的并发程度并不是很高,那增大的锁的粒度对并发性并没有很大的影响。
public abstract class Striped<L> {
* Returns the stripe that corresponds to the passed key. It is always guaranteed that if
* {@code key1.equals(key2)}, then {@code get(key1) == get(key2)}.
* @param key an arbitrary, non-null key
* @return the stripe that the passed key corresponds to
*/ public abstract L get(Object key);
* Returns the stripe at the specified index. Valid indexes are 0, inclusively, to
* {@code size()}, exclusively.
* @param index the index of the stripe to return; must be in {@code [0size())}
* @return the stripe at the specified index
*/ public abstract L getAt(
int index);
* Returns the index to which the given key is mapped, so that getAt(indexFor(key)) == get(key).
*/ abstract int indexFor(Object key);
* Returns the total number of stripes in this instance.
*/ public abstract int size();
* Returns the stripes that correspond to the passed objects, in ascending (as per
* {@link #getAt(int)}) order. Thus, threads that use the stripes in the order returned
* by this method are guaranteed to not deadlock each other.
* <p>It should be noted that using a {@code Striped<L>} with relatively few stripes, and
* {@code bulkGet(keys)} with a relative large number of keys can cause an excessive number
* of shared stripes (much like the birthday paradox, where much fewer than anticipated birthdays
* are needed for a pair of them to match). Please consider carefully the implications of the
* number of stripes, the intended concurrency level, and the typical number of keys used in a
* {@code bulkGet(keys)} operation. See <a href="http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath199.htm">Balls
* in Bins model</a> for mathematical formulas that can be used to estimate the probability of
* collisions.
* @param keys arbitrary non-null keys
* @return the stripes corresponding to the objects (one per each object, derived by delegating
* to {@link #get(Object)}; may contain duplicates), in an increasing index order.
*/ public Iterable<L> bulkGet(Iterable<?> keys);
* Creates a {@code Striped<Lock>} with eagerly initialized, strongly referenced locks.
* Every lock is reentrant.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (locks) required
* @return a new {@code Striped<Lock>}
public static Striped<Lock> lock(int stripes);
* Creates a {@code Striped<Lock>} with lazily initialized, weakly referenced locks.
* Every lock is reentrant.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (locks) required
* @return a new {@code Striped<Lock>}
public static Striped<Lock> lazyWeakLock(int stripes);
* Creates a {@code Striped<Semaphore>} with eagerly initialized, strongly referenced semaphores,
* with the specified number of permits.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (semaphores) required
* @param permits the number of permits in each semaphore
* @return a new {@code Striped<Semaphore>}
public static Striped<Semaphore> semaphore(int stripes, final int permits);
* Creates a {@code Striped<Semaphore>} with lazily initialized, weakly referenced semaphores,
* with the specified number of permits.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (semaphores) required
* @param permits the number of permits in each semaphore
* @return a new {@code Striped<Semaphore>}
public static Striped<Semaphore> lazyWeakSemaphore(int stripes, final int permits);
* Creates a {@code Striped<ReadWriteLock>} with eagerly initialized, strongly referenced
* read-write locks. Every lock is reentrant.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (locks) required
* @return a new {@code Striped<ReadWriteLock>}
public static Striped<ReadWriteLock> readWriteLock(int stripes);
* Creates a {@code Striped<ReadWriteLock>} with lazily initialized, weakly referenced
* read-write locks. Every lock is reentrant.
* @param stripes the minimum number of stripes (locks) required
* @return a new {@code Striped<ReadWriteLock>}
public static Striped<ReadWriteLock> lazyWeakReadWriteLock(int stripes);
private abstract static class PowerOfTwoStriped<L> extends Striped<L> {
/** Capacity (power of two) minus one, for fast mod evaluation */
final int mask;
@Override final int indexFor(Object key) {
int hash = smear(key.hashCode());
return hash & mask;
private static int smear(int hashCode) {
hashCode ^= (hashCode >>> 20) ^ (hashCode >>> 12);
return hashCode ^ (hashCode >>> 7) ^ (hashCode >>> 4);
posted on 2013-12-25 10:03
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