1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // title : TestJTreeComboBox.java
4 //
5 // Description : 树型下拉框
6 //
7 // authot : java&he
8 //
9 // date : 2006 -10
10 //
11 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 import java.awt.*;
13 import java.awt.event.*;
14 import javax.swing.*;
15 import javax.swing.plaf.*;
16 import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
17 import javax.swing.plaf.metal.*;
18 import javax.swing.tree.*;
20 import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.*;
21 import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.*;
23 /**
24 * <p>Title: OpenSwing</p>
25 * <p>Description: 树形下拉列表框</p>
26 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
27 * <p>Company: </p>
28 * @author <a href="mailto:rockis@msn.com">zhanglei</a>
29 * && <a href="mailto:sunkingxie@hotmail.com">SunKing</a>
30 * @version 1.0
31 */
32 public class TestJTreeComboBox extends JComboBox
33 {
34 /**
35 * 显示用的树
36 */
37 private JTree tree;
39 public TestJTreeComboBox ()
40 {
41 this (new JTree ());
42 }
44 public TestJTreeComboBox (JTree tree)
45 {
47 this.setTree (tree);
48 }
50 /**
51 * 设置树
52 * @param tree JTree
53 */
54 public void setTree (JTree tree)
55 {
56 this.tree = tree;
57 if(tree != null)
58 {
59 this.setSelectedItem (tree.getSelectionPath ());
60 this.setRenderer (new JTreeComboBoxRenderer ());
61 }
62 this.updateUI ();
63 }
65 /**
66 * 取得树
67 * @return JTree
68 */
69 public JTree getTree ()
70 {
71 return tree;
72 }
74 /**
75 * 设置当前选择的树路径
76 * @param o Object
77 */
78 public void setSelectedItem (Object o)
79 {
80 tree.setSelectionPath ((TreePath)o);
81 getModel ().setSelectedItem (o);
82 }
84 public void updateUI ()
85 {
86 ComboBoxUI cui = (ComboBoxUI)UIManager.getUI (this);
87 if(cui instanceof MetalComboBoxUI)
88 {
89 cui = new MetalJTreeComboBoxUI ();
90 }
91 else if(cui instanceof MotifComboBoxUI)
92 {
93 cui = new MotifJTreeComboBoxUI ();
94 }
95 else
96 {
97 cui = new WindowsJTreeComboBoxUI ();
98 }
99 setUI (cui);
100 }
102 // UI Inner classes -- one for each supported Look and Feel
103 class MetalJTreeComboBoxUI extends MetalComboBoxUI
104 {
105 protected ComboPopup createPopup ()
106 {
107 return new TreePopup (comboBox);
108 }
109 }
111 class WindowsJTreeComboBoxUI extends WindowsComboBoxUI
112 {
113 protected ComboPopup createPopup ()
114 {
115 return new TreePopup (comboBox);
116 }
117 }
119 class MotifJTreeComboBoxUI extends MotifComboBoxUI
120 {
121 protected ComboPopup createPopup ()
122 {
123 return new TreePopup (comboBox);
124 }
125 }
126 /**
127 * <p>Title: OpenSwing</p>
128 * <p>Description: 树形结构而来的DefaultListCellRenderer </p>
129 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
130 * <p>Company: </p>
131 * @author <a href="mailto:sunkingxie@hotmail.com">SunKing</a>
132 * @version 1.0
133 */
134 class JTreeComboBoxRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer
135 {
136 public Component getListCellRendererComponent (JList list, Object value,
137 int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
138 {
139 if(value != null)
140 {
141 TreePath path = (TreePath)value;
142 TreeNode node = (TreeNode)path.getLastPathComponent ();
143 value = node;
144 TreeCellRenderer r = tree.getCellRenderer ();
145 JLabel lb = (JLabel)r.getTreeCellRendererComponent (
146 tree, value, isSelected, false, node.isLeaf (), index,
147 cellHasFocus);
148 return lb;
149 }
150 return super.getListCellRendererComponent (list, value, index,
151 isSelected, cellHasFocus);
152 }
153 }
155 /**
156 * 测试
157 */
158 public static void main (String args[])
159 {
160 JFrame frame = new JFrame ("JTreeComboBox Demo");
161 frame.getContentPane ().setLayout (new FlowLayout ());
163 TestJTreeComboBox box = new TestJTreeComboBox (new JTree ());
164 // box.setEditable(true);
166 box.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (300, 21));
167 frame.getContentPane ().add (box);
168 // final JButton btt = new JButton("Set As JFileTree");
169 // btt.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
170 // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
171 // box.setTree(new JFileTree());
172 // btt.setEnabled(false);
173 // }
174 // });
175 // frame.getContentPane().add(btt);
176 frame.setVisible (true);
177 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (3);
178 }
179 }
181 /**
182 * <p>Title: JTreeComboBox</p>
183 * <p>Description: TreePopup</p>
184 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
185 * <p>Company: </p>
186 * @author <a href="mailto:rockis@msn.com">zhanglei</a>
187 * && <a href="mailto:sunkingxie@hotmail.com">SunKing</a>
188 * @version 1.0
189 */
190 class TreePopup extends JPopupMenu implements ComboPopup
191 {
192 protected TestJTreeComboBox comboBox;
193 protected JScrollPane scrollPane;
195 protected MouseMotionListener mouseMotionListener;
196 protected MouseListener mouseListener;
197 private MouseListener treeSelectListener = new MouseAdapter ()
198 {
200 public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)
201 {
202 JTree tree = (JTree)e.getSource ();
203 TreePath tp = tree.getPathForLocation (e.getPoint ().x,
204 e.getPoint ().y);
205 if(tp == null)
206 {
207 return;
208 }
209 comboBox.setSelectedItem (tp);
210 togglePopup ();
211 MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager ().clearSelectedPath ();
212 }
213 };
215 public TreePopup (JComboBox comboBox)
216 {
217 this.comboBox = (TestJTreeComboBox)comboBox;
218 setBorder (BorderFactory.createLineBorder (Color.black));
219 setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
220 setLightWeightPopupEnabled (comboBox.isLightWeightPopupEnabled ());
221 JTree tree = this.comboBox.getTree ();
222 if(tree != null)
223 {
224 scrollPane = new JScrollPane (tree);
225 scrollPane.setBorder (null);
226 add (scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
227 tree.addMouseListener (treeSelectListener);
228 }
229 }
231 public void show ()
232 {
233 updatePopup ();
234 show (comboBox, 0, comboBox.getHeight ());
235 comboBox.getTree ().requestFocus ();
236 }
238 public void hide ()
239 {
240 setVisible (false);
241 comboBox.firePropertyChange ("popupVisible", true, false);
242 }
244 protected JList list = new JList ();
245 public JList getList ()
246 {
247 return list;
248 }
250 public MouseMotionListener getMouseMotionListener ()
251 {
252 if(mouseMotionListener == null)
253 {
254 mouseMotionListener = new MouseMotionAdapter ()
255 {};
256 }
257 return mouseMotionListener;
258 }
260 public KeyListener getKeyListener ()
261 {
262 return null;
263 }
265 public void uninstallingUI ()
266 {}
268 /**
269 * Implementation of ComboPopup.getMouseListener().
270 *
271 * @return a <code>MouseListener</code> or null
272 * @see ComboPopup#getMouseListener
273 */
274 public MouseListener getMouseListener ()
275 {
276 if(mouseListener == null)
277 {
278 mouseListener = new InvocationMouseHandler ();
279 }
280 return mouseListener;
281 }
283 protected void togglePopup ()
284 {
285 if(isVisible ())
286 {
287 hide ();
288 }
289 else
290 {
291 show ();
292 }
293 }
295 protected void updatePopup ()
296 {
297 setPreferredSize (new Dimension (comboBox.getSize ().width, 200));
298 Object selectedObj = comboBox.getSelectedItem ();
299 if(selectedObj != null)
300 {
301 TreePath tp = (TreePath)selectedObj;
302 ((TestJTreeComboBox)comboBox).getTree ().setSelectionPath (tp);
303 }
304 }
306 protected class InvocationMouseHandler extends MouseAdapter
307 {
308 public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
309 {
310 if(!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton (e) || !comboBox.isEnabled ())
311 {
312 return;
313 }
314 if(comboBox.isEditable ())
315 {
316 Component comp = comboBox.getEditor ().getEditorComponent ();
317 if((!(comp instanceof JComponent)) ||
318 ((JComponent)comp).isRequestFocusEnabled ())
319 {
320 comp.requestFocus ();
321 }
322 }
323 else if(comboBox.isRequestFocusEnabled ())
324 {
325 comboBox.requestFocus ();
326 }
327 togglePopup ();
328 }
329 }
330 }
posted on 2007-02-07 09:37
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