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g/^\s*$/d                  : delete all blank lines



:g is something very old and which is very powerful. I just wanted to illustrate the use of it
with some examples. Hope, it will be useful for someone.
Brief explanation for ":g"
Syntax is:
You can think the working as, for the range (default whole file), execute
the colon command(ex) "cmd" for the lines matching <pattern>. Also, for all
lines that matched the pattern, "." is set to that particular line (for
certain commands if line is not specified "." (current line) is assumed).
Some examples
Display context (5 lines) for all occurences of a pattern
    :g/<pattern>/z#.5|echo "=========="
    << same as first, but with some beautification >>
Delete all lines matching a pattern
Delete all blank lines (just an example for above)
Double space the file
    :g/^/pu =\"\n\"
    :g/^/pu _
    << the above one also works >>
Copy all lines matching a pattern to end of file
Yank all lines matching a pattern to register 'a'
    0"ay0:g/<pattern>/y A
Increment the number items from current line to end-of-document by one
    :.,$g/^\d/exe "normal! \<c-a>"
Comment (C) lines containing "DEBUG" statements
    g/^\s*DEBUG/exe "norm! I/* \<Esc>A */\<Esc>"
A Reverse lookup for records
(eg: An address book, with Name on start-of-line and fields after a space)
    :g/<patern>?^\w?p               "if only name is interested
    :g/<patern>/ka|?^\w?p|'ap       "if name and the lookup-line is interested
    :g/<patern>/?^\w?|+,/^[^ ]/-1p  "if entire record is interested
Reverse a file (just to show the power of 'g')
Foot note 1: use :v to negate the search pattern
Foot note 2: Some explanation of commonly used commands with :g
:2,8co15 => Copy lines 2 through 8 after line 15
:4,15t$  => Copy linesa 4 through 15 towards end of document (t == co)
    :-t$  => Copy previous line to end of document
     :m0  => Move current line to the top of the document
:.,+3m$-1 => Move current line through cur-line+3 to the last but one line
             of the document
Foot note 3: Commands used with :g are ex commands, so a help search should
                :help :<help-topic>
                eg. :help :k





你可以认为他是这么工作,在特定的范围内([rang]确定,默认是整个文件)。他逐行逐行的用<pattern>去匹配,如果匹配成功就执行 冒号命令 (“cmd”来指定)。另外,如果<pattern>匹配所有行,那么只有对当前行执行 冒号命令。





:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1/\1$/        : 删除重复行 # 非贪婪匹配,\{-}


posted on 2008-05-28 10:55 Jet Geng 阅读(2470) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏


# re: GVIM使用技巧汇集 2008-06-10 10:08 hamburger

:g/table_name/s/);/,999);/ );是每个Sql的结尾
:let i=0 | g:/table_name/s/999/\=i | let i=i+1
我的邮箱hamburgerwang(a)gmail.com  回复  更多评论

# re: GVIM使用技巧汇集[未登录] 2012-07-27 15:59 lee
:let i=0 | g:/table_name/s/999/\=i | let i=i+1
:let i=0 | g/table_name/s/999/\=i/ | let i=i+1  回复  更多评论

# re: GVIM使用技巧汇集[未登录] 2012-08-01 09:33 jet
谢谢lee,当时笔误!  回复  更多评论

