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更新My Eclipse4.0GA 至4.01 及破解方法

1、关于My Eclipse4.0GA更新 至4.01
目前My Eclipse4.01已经支持Eclipse3.11了。Version 4.0.1是4.0系列的第一个release版的补丁,他主要修复的问题如下:
IDDefects - FIXEDNotes
893HTML Editor: change autoclosing action to auto-suggesting the closed tag
1092DB: Cancel in Edit Connection Profile does not rollback changes
1113XML namespaces defined as part of the root element not recognizedSee link for details.
1140CSS Editor Style properties are not used during formatting or the "Cleanup Document" dialogSee link for details.
1412CSS Editor stops accepting input when validation of types values fails
1416JSP formatter throws an exceptionSee link for details.
1494WebDesigner: Design Selection is lost if the application loses focus (ie Alt+Tab)
1640XML formatter not working when file not terminated with new line
1707UML: Generate Java menubar action disabledSee link for details.
1740UML: quick-connections do not honor color preferences
2177"Del" key does not work consistently in outline view
2210Hibernate: Profiles not synchronized betwee DB Brower and Hibernate Config editor
2221Add to Snippets causing SWT Exception
2258Structured Editors: Line delimiter preferences don't work
2269UML: Only one diagram is deleted at a time.
2355Hibernate: minimize the copy-set of files into project
2356SessionEJB wizard creates incorrect access level for example methodSee link for details.
2375Updated EMF/GEF/JEM plugins
2405Hibernate: add capabilities wizard layout needs improvement
2415WebDesigner: No way to "unselect" an element from HTML
2417UML: Change context-menu action Export as Image to single menu item
2422Struts: Actions in the New menu in the Struts designer popup menu start with "New"
2455WebDesigner: Anchor / HR insertion styling issue
2459Hibernate: After adding mapping in DB Browser user is switched to ME perspective
2463Opening external image file throws NPE and shows ErrorEditor
2483WebDesigner: JSF Rendered attribute inconsistencies
2485WebDesigner: Saving document in design view will remove focus
2500 Save As... causes editor highlighting issue
2520WebDesigner: Hyperlink wizard enabled for whitespace
2521JSF: Save As dialog reopens several times.
2522Spring library property page won't fail if library file paths don't exist
2525UML: Vanishing extension points in use case diagramsSee link for details.
2527JSF: Entering an EL expression for a managed bean property value causes wizard to errorSee link for details.
2528WebDesigner: Save in design pane saves but still indicates editor dirty
2529XML reconciler incorrectly marking spaces before a processing instruction as an errorSee link for details.
2531JSP Source menu listed twiceSee link for details.
2532UML: Changeability setting not being honoredSee link for details.
2533Updated Install/Uninstall Quickstart documentation
2536Hibernate 2.0 DTD needs to be updated with version from the hibernate siteSee link for details.
2537DB: Create table script does not quote table namesSee link for details.
2538Update WebProjects quickstart for ME 4.0
2540Javascript: Encoding preference requiredSee link for details.
2542Update EAR projects quickstart for ME 4.0
2544Update installer launch params to increase permsize
2545Undo in all editors does not scroll view back to undone change locationSee link for details.
2547WebDesigner: Improve performance of

/ adjustment

2552DB: Schema Details choices not saved while creating a new profile
2553DB: Profiles and Drivers are persisted only on normal Eclipse exit
2554DTD encoding and line delimiter preference page blank
2556XSD: Properties view layout is clipping areaSee link for details.
2561WebDesigner: Source doesn't sync on some examples with Return key
2562WebDesigner: Context-menu Copy action performs design > source sync
2564Ctrl+B/I/U don't work in JSP designer
2565Webdesigner: Copy/Paste of relative IMG rewrites URL as absolute
2566Webdesigner: Preview view doesn't respect attributes without quotes ""
2567Webdesigner: Typing into
 node in design view doesn't entitize characters
2568DB: Table info view selects Columns tab each time a new table is selected
2570UML: normalize presentation properties and prefsSee link for details.
2571DB: Unique column in Columns tab of Table Info should show NA if Index info is NA
2572DB: Database Explorer preference page does not react instantaly to "Restore Defaults"
2573Update Application Servers Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2574Update Subscription Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2575Update Struts Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2576Update JSF Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2577Update EJB Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2578Update Remove Debugging Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2579Update Hibernate Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0
2580Webdesigner: Del at end of

elements leads to unsychronized state

2582Webdesigner: Adding / deleting
to source syncs changes to design multiple times
2584DB: Drivers preference page 'Cancel' behaviour
2586JSF: Doubleclicking the problem marker in the problems view opens graphical designer instead of selecting the source in the source editor
2588Hibernate 3 libraries do not match libraries in Hibernate 3 core downloadSee link for details.
2591Webdesigner: Find increments src selection, doesn't update design selection
2594XML Source formatting preferences are ignoredSee link for details.
2599Update subscription description to show free upgrade to professional subscription
2602Documentation: ERD relationship annotations need to be documentedSee link for details.
2610Reenable exploded deployment for JettySee link for details.
2614Update DBExplorer User Guide
2616Webdesigner: Changing the font style changes the selection.
2620DB: Table info view changes / refreshes only when tables are selected
2622Webdesigner: JSF/Struts Form wizard inserts closed,inline tag in source
2624Webdesigner: Single change in the designer causes multiple changes in the source view that are not treated as a single change.
2640Updated JSF Quickstart to be consistent with ME 4.0
2641Webdesigner: Don't update attributes on Cut in designer
2642DB: Table info view selects first tab each time new entity in DB Browser is changed
2643CCE thrown from property sheet when selecting h:inputText
2651UML: DnDed class does not appear in diagram if superclass not in model
2656Spring: DAO/ORM module missing hibernate filesSee link for details.
2659Webdesigner: Browse button in Hyperlink wiz puts webroot relative path
2663Spring capabilites TLD issues resolved.
2664Update Struts 1.2 Template's use of html: tagSee link for details.
下载My Eclipse4.01:
用破解的4.0 core.jar中的com.genuitec.eclipse.core.c.class替换掉4.0.1中的相同类。
posted on 2006-03-20 10:59 MEYE 阅读(382) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JAVA