ID | Defects - FIXED | Notes |
893 | HTML Editor: change autoclosing action to auto-suggesting the closed tag | |
1092 | DB: Cancel in Edit Connection Profile does not rollback changes | |
1113 | XML namespaces defined as part of the root element not recognized | See link for details. |
1140 | CSS Editor Style properties are not used during formatting or the "Cleanup Document" dialog | See link for details. |
1412 | CSS Editor stops accepting input when validation of types values fails | |
1416 | JSP formatter throws an exception | See link for details. |
1494 | WebDesigner: Design Selection is lost if the application loses focus (ie Alt+Tab) | |
1640 | XML formatter not working when file not terminated with new line | |
1707 | UML: Generate Java menubar action disabled | See link for details. |
1740 | UML: quick-connections do not honor color preferences | |
2177 | "Del" key does not work consistently in outline view | |
2210 | Hibernate: Profiles not synchronized betwee DB Brower and Hibernate Config editor | |
2221 | Add to Snippets causing SWT Exception | |
2258 | Structured Editors: Line delimiter preferences don't work | |
2269 | UML: Only one diagram is deleted at a time. | |
2355 | Hibernate: minimize the copy-set of files into project | |
2356 | SessionEJB wizard creates incorrect access level for example method | See link for details. |
2375 | Updated EMF/GEF/JEM plugins | |
2405 | Hibernate: add capabilities wizard layout needs improvement | |
2415 | WebDesigner: No way to "unselect" an element from HTML | |
2417 | UML: Change context-menu action Export as Image to single menu item | |
2422 | Struts: Actions in the New menu in the Struts designer popup menu start with "New" | |
2455 | WebDesigner: Anchor / HR insertion styling issue | |
2459 | Hibernate: After adding mapping in DB Browser user is switched to ME perspective | |
2463 | Opening external image file throws NPE and shows ErrorEditor | |
2483 | WebDesigner: JSF Rendered attribute inconsistencies | |
2485 | WebDesigner: Saving document in design view will remove focus | |
2500 | Save As... causes editor highlighting issue | |
2520 | WebDesigner: Hyperlink wizard enabled for whitespace | |
2521 | JSF: Save As dialog reopens several times. | |
2522 | Spring library property page won't fail if library file paths don't exist | |
2525 | UML: Vanishing extension points in use case diagrams | See link for details. |
2527 | JSF: Entering an EL expression for a managed bean property value causes wizard to error | See link for details. |
2528 | WebDesigner: Save in design pane saves but still indicates editor dirty | |
2529 | XML reconciler incorrectly marking spaces before a processing instruction as an error | See link for details. |
2531 | JSP Source menu listed twice | See link for details. |
2532 | UML: Changeability setting not being honored | See link for details. |
2533 | Updated Install/Uninstall Quickstart documentation | |
2536 | Hibernate 2.0 DTD needs to be updated with version from the hibernate site | See link for details. |
2537 | DB: Create table script does not quote table names | See link for details. |
2538 | Update WebProjects quickstart for ME 4.0 | |
2540 | Javascript: Encoding preference required | See link for details. |
2542 | Update EAR projects quickstart for ME 4.0 | |
2544 | Update installer launch params to increase permsize | |
2545 | Undo in all editors does not scroll view back to undone change location | See link for details. |
2547 | WebDesigner: Improve performance of
/ adjustment | |
2552 | DB: Schema Details choices not saved while creating a new profile | |
2553 | DB: Profiles and Drivers are persisted only on normal Eclipse exit | |
2554 | DTD encoding and line delimiter preference page blank | |
2556 | XSD: Properties view layout is clipping area | See link for details. |
2561 | WebDesigner: Source doesn't sync on some examples with Return key | |
2562 | WebDesigner: Context-menu Copy action performs design > source sync | |
2564 | Ctrl+B/I/U don't work in JSP designer | |
2565 | Webdesigner: Copy/Paste of relative IMG rewrites URL as absolute | |
2566 | Webdesigner: Preview view doesn't respect attributes without quotes "" | |
2567 | Webdesigner: Typing into node in design view doesn't entitize characters | |
2568 | DB: Table info view selects Columns tab each time a new table is selected | |
2570 | UML: normalize presentation properties and prefs | See link for details. |
2571 | DB: Unique column in Columns tab of Table Info should show NA if Index info is NA | |
2572 | DB: Database Explorer preference page does not react instantaly to "Restore Defaults" | |
2573 | Update Application Servers Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2574 | Update Subscription Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2575 | Update Struts Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2576 | Update JSF Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2577 | Update EJB Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2578 | Update Remove Debugging Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2579 | Update Hibernate Quickstart to be consistent with ME4.0 | |
2580 | Webdesigner: Del at end of
elements leads to unsychronized state | |
2582 | Webdesigner: Adding / deleting
to source syncs changes to design multiple times | |
2584 | DB: Drivers preference page 'Cancel' behaviour | |
2586 | JSF: Doubleclicking the problem marker in the problems view opens graphical designer instead of selecting the source in the source editor | |
2588 | Hibernate 3 libraries do not match libraries in Hibernate 3 core download | See link for details. |
2591 | Webdesigner: Find increments src selection, doesn't update design selection | |
2594 | XML Source formatting preferences are ignored | See link for details. |
2599 | Update subscription description to show free upgrade to professional subscription | |
2602 | Documentation: ERD relationship annotations need to be documented | See link for details. |
2610 | Reenable exploded deployment for Jetty | See link for details. |
2614 | Update DBExplorer User Guide | |
2616 | Webdesigner: Changing the font style changes the selection. | |
2620 | DB: Table info view changes / refreshes only when tables are selected | |
2622 | Webdesigner: JSF/Struts Form wizard inserts closed,inline tag in source | |
2624 | Webdesigner: Single change in the designer causes multiple changes in the source view that are not treated as a single change. | |
2640 | Updated JSF Quickstart to be consistent with ME 4.0 | |
2641 | Webdesigner: Don't update attributes on Cut in designer | |
2642 | DB: Table info view selects first tab each time new entity in DB Browser is changed | |
2643 | CCE thrown from property sheet when selecting h:inputText | |
2651 | UML: DnDed class does not appear in diagram if superclass not in model | |
2656 | Spring: DAO/ORM module missing hibernate files | See link for details. |
2659 | Webdesigner: Browse button in Hyperlink wiz puts webroot relative path | |
2663 | Spring capabilites TLD issues resolved. | |
2664 | Update Struts 1.2 Template's use of html: tag | See link for details. |