First of all, I should say that setting liferay to connect to another database is very easy. Certainty, all of things to make easy always after numerous attempts . I searched several solutions from website before. But, not only for old version but also too complex. As my understand According to original source, and several trial. I found the way. And I think that it is the World Premiere.^_^
You should know how to create services with Service Builder, Also You should know how to create new portlet. how to link to database and how it is used inside programming language code.
The steps described here were performed over Liferay 6.0.6.
Let us Beginning
1. Create a file named portal-ext.properties in {WEBSERVER-HOME}\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes. And type the following code:
2. Create a service.xml file. And type the following code:
3. Ant build-service.xml, let liferay to generate code.
4. Create a new file named ext-spring.xml in src\META-INF folder. And copy the following code:
5. No more. So easy right? About how to call and deploy it. I believe that you can do.
posted on 2011-10-27 17:56 眼镜蛇 阅读(1416) 评论(6) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: Liferay
234148464 qq求助!实在是运行不通。。。 回复 更多评论
哪里不通 回复 更多评论
研究了一天,完全让你的做的,不过板本是6.1,行不通,求大神赐教。。。I need your help,service builder的时候不能够生成表,跟本连不到另一个数据源上面去。。 回复 更多评论
I am so sad! for a long time ,just bcz of this porblem....., 回复 更多评论
@彭维 如果是6.1的话,需要修改 com.liferay.portal.spring.hibernate.PortalHibernateConfiguration 为 com.liferay.portal.spring.hibernate.PortletHibernateConfiguration 回复 更多评论
跨兩個db要怎樣做transaction按照你這樣的寫法,如果拋出exception,只會有其中一個DB ROLLBACK,另一個db不會rollback,有什麼好解法嗎?jta or jotm,這兩個還要研究看看怎樣用在liferay上面 回复 更多评论
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