Pow2ACL - Access Control List library. Track of application users roles and permissions. User can be authenticated: - directly using the package API; - using custom JSP tag libraries.
Struts .. in Rose by Emmanuel.Boudrant - Use Struts with the Rational Rose UML model.
Multi-Controller by Sukachevin, Stoehr - Use more than once ActionServlet in your Struts application
JavaScript with html:errors - new Struts validation by Adam Grohs.
Scioworks Camino by Scioworks Pte Ltd. A visual tool for Struts.
Struts Console by James Holmes. The Struts Console is a Java Swing application that provides an easy to use interface for editing Struts' "struts-config.xml" configuration file.
Expresso by JCorporate. An open source application development (AD) framework integrated with Struts.
Dynamic ActionForm Properties by Jan Sorensen.
Bean Utils with Indexed Strings by Gregor Rayman.
Role-Based Actions by Nic Hobs. Set a security role for an Action from with struts-config.
Struts CodeMaker by Ravindran Ramaiah - Generate Struts application by reading configuration file or JSP files. Updated 2001-08-21.
Struts Generator by David Winterfeldt - Based on the generator.xml and a table/query an xml file is generated. Based on the generated xml file a primary key class, data bean class, jdbc class, and an ActionForm (Struts) can be generated.
ValueIterator by Ted Husted - Simple wrapper around a RowSet for use with Struts iterator tag. Also includes generic toMap(), set(map) methods for flexible data transfer.
Struts Transformer by Ron Smith - Transformations are responsible for taking an object in one form and transforming it into another. A forward transformation takes an object from its primary form to a secondary form (e.g. Date object to String). A reverse transformation takes an object from a secondary form to its primary form (e.g. String to Date).
Struts Extender by Ron Smith - Add extensions to the struts framework via entries in the Struts configuration file.
Mapper Framework by Capco - The Mapper framework can be used for automating the process of validating/converting/transferring data fields. (See README to get started. Updated 18-JUL-2001.)
Bean factory by Oleg V Alexeev - Adds the ability to easily link data bean creation to any Struts Action. All information about databeans and actions mappings stored in the standard Struts configuraton file.
Workflow Extension by Matthias Bauer - An extension to the core Struts framework which provides control flow between actions.
Struts Menu by Scott Sayles (ZIP file for download) - A Struts-compatible web menuing component (early release - work in progress) - unzip to a "struts-menu" folder, and see the README.
Struts Validator [Also in the nightly build /contrib folder] by David Winterfeldt - Perform basic validations to check if a field is required, matches a regular expression, and some basic type checking. Different validation rules can be defined for different locales. The framework has basic support for user defined constants which can be used in some field attributes. The validation routines are modifiable in the validation.xml file so custom validation routines can be created and added to the framework.
TLD to VLM by Mario Busche - Simple Java program to convert standard TLD's to the VLM format used by Homesite, CF Studio, and JRun Studio.
UltraDev 4.0 Custom Tag Library Extension - Hosted by Jakarta Taglibs.
Tiles Library for building JSP views [Also in the nightly build /contrib folder] by Cedric Dumoulin - A component is a JSP page that can be inserted in another JSP page, like templates, but can take "parameters" (URLs or 'direct' string intemplates).