
Hello,everyone,i am sun. 天道酬勤,笨鳥先飛.
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// public static int i=0;//for循環計數變量
// public static float Number[] = new float[20];//存儲數據的浮點數數組
// public static float Summary;//數據總和變量
// public static float Average;//數據平均變量
// public static void main(String[] args) {
//   TODO Auto-generated method stub
//  System.out.println("HELLO JAVA...");
//  Summary = 0;//數據總和變量初值化
//  System.out.println("Please input the number of data:");//讀入最大可輸入數據個數
//  ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(;
//  int Max = console.readInt();
//  System.out.println("");
//  if(Max <= 20){//決定最大可輸入數
//   for(i=0;i<Max;i++){
//    System.out.println("Please input a number:");
//    Number[i] = (float)console.readDouble();
//    Summary += Number[i];
//   }
//   Average = Summary/Max;//平均值=總和/個數
//   System.out.println("The average is:"+Average);
//  }else{//如果輸入數字超出范圍
//   System.out.println("Please input a number less than 20.");
//  }
// }
  * public static int[] Employee={27000,27111,27222,27333,27444,27555,27666,27777,27888,27999};
 public static int Index;//數組下標變量
 public static int NewSalary;//修改後工資變量
 public static int Selection;//用戶選項變量
  boolean Flag = false;
   System.out.println("1.Display employee salary =");
   System.out.println("2.Modify employee salary =");
   System.out.println("Please input your choose:");//讀取用戶選項
   ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(;
   int Selection = console.readInt();
   if(Selection ==1 || Selection ==2){
    System.out.println("Please input the employee number:");//讀取員工編號
    Index = console.readInt();
    if(Index <10){
     System.out.println("**Employee Number is"+Index);
     System.out.println("**The Salary is"+Employee[Index]);
     System.out.println("##The error employee number!");
     Flag = true;
   case 1:
   case 2:
    System.out.println("**Please enter new Salary:");//修改後的員工工資
    NewSalary = console.readInt();
   case 3:
    Flag = true;
    System.out.println("You leave from System.");
  public static int[] Employee={27000,27111,27222,27333,27444,27555,27666,27777,27888,27999};//預設10筆資料
 public static int Salary;//用戶輸入工資變量
 public static int Counter=0;//數據計數變量
  int i;//for循環計數變量
  System.out.println("Please input the employee salary:");
  ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(;
  Salary = console.readInt();
   if(Salary == Employee[i]){
    System.out.println("Number"+i+"Employee's salary is"+Salary+"!");
   if(Counter == 0){
    System.out.println("No employee's salary is"+Salary+"!!");
    System.out.println("Have"+Counter+"employee salary is"+Salary+"!!");
  int Data[] = new int[40];
  int Digit;
  int i,j,r,k;
  int N;
  Digit = 1;
  System.out.println("Enter a number what you want to calculus:");
  ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(;
  N = console.readInt();
       Digit ++;
      Data[r+1] += Data[r]/10;
  int[][] Data = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9},{0,10,11}};
  int RowData[] = new int[12];//存儲以行為主的數組
  int ColData[] = new int[12];//存儲以列為主的數組
  int i,j;
  System.out.println("The Data of two dimensional array:");
    System.out.println(" "+Data[i][j]+" ");
    RowData[i*3+j] = Data[i][j];
  System.out.println("The Row major Martrix:");
   System.out.println(" "+RowData[i]+" ");
    ColData[j*4+i] = Data[i][j];
  System.out.println("The Column Major Matrix:");
   System.out.println(" "+ColData[i]+" ");
  *int [][] Data = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
  int CompressData[][] = new int[10][3];//存儲壓縮後數據的數組
  int Index;//壓縮數組的下標
  int i,j;
  Index = 0;
  System.out.println("Two dimensional sparse array:");
    System.out.print(" "+Data[i][j]+" ");
    if(Data[i][j] != 0){
     CompressData [Index][0] = i;//元素行位置
     CompressData [Index][1] = j;//元素列位置
     CompressData [Index][2] = Data[i][j];//元素值
  CompressData [0][0] = 9;//原數組的行數
  CompressData [0][1] = 7;//原數組的列數
  CompressData [0][2] = Index;//使用元素個數
  System.out.println("Two dimensional compress array:");
    System.out.print(" "+CompressData[i][j]+" ");

posted on 2006-08-15 11:39 JavaSuns 阅读(2095) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏


# re: 數據結構(JAVA語言版)源代碼(數組部分)  回复  更多评论   

2006-08-15 16:19 | GoKu

# re: 數據結構(JAVA語言版)源代碼(數組部分)  回复  更多评论   

2006-08-16 13:39 | sunspl

# re: 數據結構(JAVA語言版)源代碼(數組部分)  回复  更多评论   

2008-08-04 01:37 | gjrh

