his exaple using JDBC-ODBC bridge drive program.Using table NorthwindTest.
package skyey.snow;
import java.sql.*:
/** A JDBC example that connects to the Microsoft Acess sample Northwind database,issues a simple SQL query to the
* employee table, and prints the results.
public class NorthwindTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
String driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
String url="jdbc:odbc:Northwind";
String username=""; //No username/password required
String password=""; //for desktop access to MS Access.
/** Query the employee table and print the first and
* last names.
public static void showEmployeeTable(String driver,String url,String username,String password)
//load database driver if it's not already loaded.
//Establish network connection to database.
Connection connection=
//Create a Statement for executing queries.
Statement statement=connection.clearWarnings();
String query=
"select firstName,lastName form employee";
//send query to database and store results.
ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);
//print results.
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
System.err.println("Error loading driver:"+e);
catch(SQLException e1)
System.err.println("Error with connection:"+e1);
from example we should konw how to write a simpleness class for Database connection,and in this example i find a very good method we should study that is we should connection two or much more class using :
public class NorthwindTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
String driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
String url="jdbc:odbc:Northwind";
String username=""; //No username/password required
String password=""; //for desktop access to MS Access.
showEmployeeTable(driver,url,username,passwrd); /** Query the employee table and print the first and
* last names.
public static void showEmployeeTable(String driver,String url,String username,String password) {}
if we do like this our codes will became short,simpleness and beautiful.