key words :Oracle分页 视图
google了一下关于Oracle的分页方法,方法还不少,大多数效果差不多-有点恶心. 恶心也要作,不过后来就是大家都用得这种方式在我这里出现了新问题,奇怪的是怎么没有别人碰到?
String condition = " teacher_id = " + userId + " and school_id="+siteId;
sql =
" select * " +
" from your_table where " + condition +
" and rowid not in ( select rowid from your_table where" + condition +
" and rownum <= " + (pageIndex - 1) * Constants.PAGE_NUMS + ") " +
" and rownum <= " + Constants.PAGE_NUMS ;
String condition = " teacher_id = " + userId + " and school_id="+siteId;
sql =
" select * " +
" from your_table where " + condition +
" and rowid not in ( select rowid from your_table where" + condition +
" and rownum <= " + (pageIndex - 1) * Constants.PAGE_NUMS + "order by id desc) " +
" and rownum <= " + Constants.PAGE_NUMS + " order by id desc";
答案是可能有问题,也可能没有问题,因为据说在8i的Oracle版本之前都不行,实际上也不尽然,在我的9i和10g我得到的是同样的错误 "
missing right parenthesis",还有一位兄弟估计是DBA建议我去metalink打一个patch,埃,动作太大了,不敢动。
问题还是要解决,试了下类似于select a.*,rownum r from (select * from table where ...) a where rownum < 10 等的方法,效果一样,就是不能加嵌套的order by
BTW: 对于视图可能rowid有问题,可以改成视图的某个主键替换
String condition = " teacher_id = " + userId + " and school_id="+siteId;
sql =
" select * " +
" from your_table where " + condition +
" and id not in ( select id from your_table where" + condition +
" and rownum <= " + (pageIndex - 1) * Constants.PAGE_NUMS + "order by id desc) " +
" and rownum <= " + Constants.PAGE_NUMS + " order by id desc";