java tec sky
2. unpack to d:/axis-1_1
Given a WSDL file of a web service you can manually code a client based on your understanding of WSDL document or you can use a tool to do that for you. This is very handy when WSDL is very complex. Axis provides such tool. Here is the command that you can run on GoogleSeach.wsdl.
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java --verbose GoogleSearch.wsdl
Make sure that you have axis.jar file in your classpath while executing this command, as that is where org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java resides.
You will find a number of .java files generated in a subdirectory named GoogleSearch. These are the stub files or wrapper classes. The wrapper classes allow you to code in java data types and convert them transparently to XML.
在网上google 一个有效的wsdl:
运行测试:D:\projects\test\webservice\classes>java -classpath %classpath%;.;NET.webserviceX.www.*; Test
这样,就完成了对.NET WebService端的调用。
(data filetype:mdb)
posted on 2005-03-07 15:52 java光环 阅读(5816) 评论(3) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: webservice
好文章! 补充一下: 对方的wsdl 文件 就是xml 文件,在文件中说明了,这个webservice 提供了那些方法可以调用。 然后 生成工具根据 wsdl文件 的描述,生成相应的骨架代码 用骨架代码 就能写程序了 回复 更多评论
好好啊! 受益匪浅! 回复 更多评论
请问,我用JBUILDER2006自动生成客户端然后在想在JSP中调用,可是总是不能实例化类是为什么,如果不能实例化类那怎么调用里面的方法取出来数值呢 回复 更多评论
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