做软件产品设计时经常会涉及到原型设计,用纸笔画废纸,用Visio画废劲。而且今年产品要做大的调整与换代,原型设计更为棘手,决定花力气找一款得心应手的原型设计工具,而 “ Balsamiq Mockups ”让我眼前一亮!迫不急待,进行了一翻在线试用,呵!对于软件原型构造来说,可真是“随心所欲、信手拈来”,中肯的说比纸和笔更为方便。
网址: http://www.balsamiq.com/
在线演示地址: http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups
试用网址: http://www.balsamiq.com/demos/mockups/Mockups.html

- 操作方面:拖拽,控件分组,甚至元素之间的对齐都做得很到位;
- 预制了六十多个界面元素,从简单的输入框,下拉框,到经常用得到的导航条,日历,表格,到复杂的Tag Cloud,Cover Flow, 地图,WYSWYG的格式工具栏等,有了这些不用从头画起,其实比用白板都快;
- 界面元素的修改很简单,比如导航条的几个标签页的label,就是用逗号分隔的文字,下拉框的选项就是分行的文字;
- 使用xml语言来记录和保存界面元素和布局,从而使其能够快速的导入到你所需的任何一个项目中,或其他工具中。
- 可以将设计导出成PNG格式的图片;
- 随着使用的熟练,快捷键便派上用场,超过一半的元素均有快捷方式,这更有助于原型的快速构造,几乎几分钟便可实现一个满意的而复杂的原型设计;
- 跨平台,Balsamiq Mokups是用Flex和Air实现的,所以在Mac OS, Linux和Windows下都能使用;
- 不仅仅有桌面版本,还有能集成在Confluence,JIRA,和XWiki中的版本,使得异地在线协作更方便有效;

这么好的一款软件是不是免费的呢?当然不是,但是软件的作者有N多种方式让你得到free license 的方法。
To get a free license key, you can do one of the following:
- If your company bought Mockups for Confluence, JIRA or XWiki, ask your IT admin for your company's license information and use it FREE of charge.
- If you are a do-gooder of any sort (non-profit, charity, open-source contributor, you get the idea), email Mariah with a short blurb and she'll send you a license, FREE of charge.
- If you are a blogger / journalist / maven willing to write us up (honest reviews are the most useful to us) email Mariah a short blurb with the link to your blog and she'll send you a license, FREE of charge, so that you can evaluate Mockups properly.
- If you are willing to demo Mockups to an audience of at least 15 people (at a user group, a conference, a BarCamp), email Mariah your info and she'll give you two licenses, one for you to keep and one to give away at the event, FREE of charge.
- If you teach a high-school class, email Mariah the name of your school and your class, plus the number of students in your class. Mariah will send you a license for all of them.
- A note to university students and professors: we currently do not offer free licenses to universities, but we'll be happy to offer you an additional 50% off any orders of 10 or more licenses. Let us know if you're interested and we'll set up a discount code for you.
嘿嘿,终于暴露目的了…… 不过这么好的软件,不推荐一下也实在说不过去。
posted on 2009-02-25 14:02
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