官网: http://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/
HackRF是一款由Michael Ossmann发起的开源软件无线电外设,支持从30MHz到6GHz,最大带宽20MHz,2012年制作了500块测试版本Jawbreaker,并向社会分发测试。在经过用户对Jawbreaker的反馈后,作者对硬件板卡做了重新布线,改善了射频性能。 随后于2013年7月31日至9月4日共计35天的时间,在著名的社会化融资平台Kickstarter上,迅速地获得多达1991人的预订,共预订出价值为$602,960的HackRF One。
- 全面支持GNURadio
- 30MHz – 6GHz
- 与RTL2832U(RTLSDR)不同,HackRF可以进行发射
- 比USRP更廉价
- 最大采样率: 20 Msps (10倍于电视棒RTLSDR)
- 接口: High Speed USB
- USB供电
- 硬件/软件全部开源
- 获得了DARPA的Cyber Fast Track项目的支持
- 已经在KickStarter上拿到投资

HackRF Hardware
HackRF Hardware Specifications:
- MCU – NXP LCP4330 dual core ARM Cortex M4/M0 (LPC4330FBD144)
- CPLD – Xilinx XC264A CoolRunner-II (XC2C64A-7VQG100C)
- RF ICs -
- MAX2837 – 2.3GHz to 2.7GHz Wireless Broadband RF Transceiver
- RFFC5072 – Wideband Synthesizer/VCO with Integrated 30MHz to 6 GHz Mixer
- Frequency Range:
- 10 MHz to 6 GHz
- 300 KHz to 30 MHz accessible when paired wit Ham It Up RF upconverter
- Bandwidth – 20 MHz max
- Transmit Power (Preliminary, based on Jawbreaker beta hardware):
- 30 MHz to 100 MHz: 5 dBm to 15 dBm, increasing as frequency decreases
- 100 MHz to 2300 MHz: 0 dBm to 10 dBm, increasing as frequency decreases
- 2300 MHz to 2700 MHz: 10 dBm to 15 dBm
- 2700 MHz to 4000 MHz: -5 dBm to 5 dBm, increasing as frequency decreases
- 4000 MHz to 6000 MHz: -15 dBm to 0 dBm, increasing as frequency decreases
- Transceiver – Half-duplex
- Optional Add-ons – PortaPack: LCD screen, directional buttons, and audio ports for standalone use.
- Power – USB (5V)
You can get the schematics for Jawbreaker Beta board in KiCad format, as well as download the assembly files, schematics (PDF), BoM, and gerber files. I’d assume the final hardware may be slightly different (TBC).
HackRF Software
HackRF beta units can be used on Linux, MaC OS X, and Windows platforms, and connected via the USB port of your PC. HackRF already works with the GNU Radio software framework, but support can be added to other SDR software as well.
You can retrieve the firmware for the CPLD and MCU on github, and they’ve also released host files for HackRF tools and library. As mentioned in the introduction, the beta hardware has already been used with Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Bluetooth monitoring, spectrum sensing, wireless microphones, AIS, FM radio, and more. More information explaining how to work with the platform is available on the Wiki.
Many people will probably just use the device connected an Host computer via USB, but it’s also possible to use it in standalone with PortaPack add-on to expand the hardware with a display, keys, and audio ports.